Little Miss Fickle went to town…
Little Miss Fickle bought a house.
Little Miss Fickle went back home…
Little Miss Fickle thought ‘OH NO’.Once upon a time in Fickle World, Little Miss Fickle went to view apartments.
On her first viewing, Little Miss Fickle saw a small and run-down apartment. It was old and the apartment needed 100% renovations. But the selling price was reasonable. Disheartened, Little Miss Fickle went back home. She thought to herself, “Is this what all apartments in Fickle World would look like? Old and in need of major renovations?” Little Miss Fickle liked the idea of renovations because that meant she could have a brand new interior, so Little Miss Fickle considered that option.
But the next day, she received a call saying that apartment had already been sold. So Little Miss Fickle viewed another two apartments.
The second apartment was old with weird angled rooms, but more spacious than the first. However, the price was a little high for something that needed to be renovated. Little Miss Fickle thought more about the first apartment which was already sold.
The third apartment she saw was slightly noisy as it was along the main road, but it was also very spacious, had a beautiful kitchen and nice toilets. Little Miss Fickle’s spirits brightened up. She liked this apartment and thought it was a rare find, especially when she had started to believe that all apartments in Fickle World was going to be old and run-down. Under the influential speech given by Mr Agent, Little Miss Fickle felt compelled to make a decision. But she went home and thought about it. Little Miss Fickle discussed it with her parents, as well as her boyfriend Mr Photographer, who all encouraged her to make the decision based on what she felt.
So Little Miss Fickle decided to put down an offer for the apartment.
On the same day Little Miss Fickle was going to pay the deposit, Little Miss Another-Agent called to ask if she was interested in viewing another apartment. So Little Miss Fickle and Mr Photographer went down to view this fourth apartment.
It was newer, younger, but smaller and along the corridor. Though Little Miss Fickle and Mr Photographer liked it, but she thought the corridor issue was a big problem of privacy and decided against it. So they met Mr Agent and paid the deposit for the option to purchase the third apartment they viewed.
Or should she have not? When Little Miss Fickle got home, all she could think about was the fourth apartment instead. Suddenly, more and more reasons NOT to purchase the third apartment surfaced. Little Miss Fickle thought ‘OH NO, I made the wrong choice’.
Though Little Miss Fickle was relieved that she had 2 weeks to consider her offer on the third apartment and it would only result in losing the minimal deposit, she couldn’t make the decision. So her parents and Mr Photographer decided for her.
Little Miss Fickle rang Little Miss Another-Agent to schedule the second viewing of fourth apartment. After the second viewing, both Little Miss Fickle and Mr Photographer liked the apartment and offered to purchase the apartment.
Currently, they are waiting for Little Miss Another-Agent to return call and arrange a date for the signing of documents and making of the deposit. Little Miss Fickle has also viewed two more apartments in Fickle World, but her decision still sways to the fourth apartment she viewed.
What if the deal for the fouth apartment falls through? What if the owner decides he doesn’t want to sell? Little Miss Fickle worries incessantly. At least Little Miss Fickle still holds the offer for the third apartment…but does she want something bigger yet older, or something newer yet smaller?
To be continued…