Long Friday Long...Work ended late once again, with a meeting at 5pm - just before knock off and of course, we didn't end on schedule. After the meeting, it was a mad rush down to Orchard to meet Pear and the guys for the movie - Pirates of the Carribean. However, we were very disappointed as the film kept pausing in between, then when they finally got it to work fine, there was a voice lag of about 1 second, so we saw what was being said before we heard it. People started leaving. We decided to leave to...disappointed but at least Lido gave us a refund and free tickets. It was good that we got a free movie, but that meant watching it on Sunday - we've been waiting all week and now, we have to wait 2 more days.
After the disappointment, we headed to Timbre for drinks and enjoyed the live band till around 1+ before heading home - stopping by at Thompson for some Prata on the way back. When I got back home and after a shower, I was back on my laptop, doing work for the Saturday till 5am in the morning.
Long Saturday Long...Saturday started at 9.30am, when I woke and got ready for work. I had to go in to the office to prepare some things for our presentation on Monday with my colleague. I ended up waiting almost half an hour before he came at 11am and we worked all the way till 4pm. Our boss joined us in between. By 4pm, we were starving and since the work was done, we left for a very late lunch. After 'lunch', I picked Pear up and we rushed to NTUC and Cold Storage to get the ingredients we needed for the dinner we were whipping up.
We got back at around 6.30pm and the prep and cooking started immediately. The guys came around 7+pm and were very hungry and thus grumpy at our attrocious time management. They said they should have eaten KFC before they came.
However, when the food was finally served at 8+pm, they were happily delighted. Our dinner proved to be a greater success than we planned. On the menu was minestrone soup for starters, salmon teriyaki, marinated chicken thigh and shepards pie for mains. Don't believe we could handle all that?

Junren praised, “The wait was worth it. Thankfully I didn't eat KFC.” And he did a little calculation and decided we could charge $80 at a high class restaurant for the entire meal. Pear and my eyes lit up. SUCCESS!
We were so bloated after the meal and sent the boys to work - yes, in their eyes, we were slave drivers, in our eyes, we deserved a rest so the washing up was their responsibility! They were shocked at the amount of plates and utensils we used when we cooked. Oops.

After dinner, we adjourned to my bedroom for a game of 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' - which Pear and I lost AGAIN. Why? I think we know each other too well...so none of the options are specific enough. Either that or we both are fickle-minded - that's how alike we are. Haha.
Then we decided to watch the movie the guys rented - Wedding Crashers - while we ate Raine's famous dessert: Oreos n Ice Cream. It was a pity it wasn't as nice...I didn't like the additional baileys that was added in...too much milk flavour. Hopefully the others like it since they aren't so particular about milk as I am.
After the movie, they hanged a while longer till around 2+ before leaving. The day had been a long one, but I was enjoying it because it made my weekend felt longer and I didn't want Saturday to end. Once Saturday ends, it means Sunday is here, which means immediately, it's Monday and it's back to work. However, though I said I didn't want Saturday to end, my body shut down at 4am.
Long Sunday Long... Sunday morning at 11.30am, I woke. Getting ready, I left for the airport to pick my grandparents up. While I was at the airport, I saw a bunch of crazy fans welcoming 2 singers - though not very famous I reckon. 1) The welcoming party wasn't that big and 2) I didn't know who they were, I even had to text Pear to ask if they were famous. How silly. Turns out, there was a concert that night and these singers were performing.
After picking up my grandparents, we went to Hougang Mall for lunch before heading home, where I watched a Japanese movie before heading out again to meet Pear and the others for dinner and - FINALLY - Pirates of the Carribean. The movie was worth it - though free, it was worth our time and effort. I LOVE IT. It's even better than the first one!
I got home around midinght and hopped straight into bed after shower.
Long Monday Long...Along came Monday morning, awaking me from a sweet dream. I lied in bed wondering how come my alarm hasn't gone off. After a while, I decided to look at the clock.
Past 7am (the usual alarm time).
Ahhhhh. I leaped out of bed, flew into the washroom, flew right out, hopped into my outfit (thankfully I had planned it the night before) and poofed on some makeup and was out of the house by 8.30am.
Grandpa and I were stuck in a jam just outside our house and I only got to the MRT station at 8.50am to board my train.
I only reached Harbour Front at 9.20am (20 minutes late for work) and jumped right into a cab to take me directly to work. Despite being late, I had a telling off by the cab driver, asking me to buy an alarm (those cheap alarm) that sounds at 7 o'clock, both am and pm. And the cab ride wasn't cheap - $6 as compared to a bus ride of 39 cents.
And the funny part? I was the earilest in the account department (my department) and my boss wasn't here yet. So much for rushing and panicking.
That morning at 10am, we left for a presentation at the client's place. The wait was ages coz they were running late, but presentation went alright. Hopeful I guess. After that, we had lunch before returning to office and I only got to rest for half an hour before I was out of the office again, going with my boss to attend another meeting. When I got back, it was already 4+pm and by 6.30pm, I was out of the office, going down to Orchard to meet my Prince for dinner.
We had tepanyaki, then went for drinks at the Top of the M. My Prince knows how to live it well. We chatted till around 11pm before heading home. We've definitely matured in our thoughts and in our conversations. It's more indepth about what we want from life, our career paths and our dreams. It's crazy how adulthood has sneaked up upon us and caught us off guard. Just yesterday we were in secondary school, not know what we wanted in life and today, we both have such big dreams and we can feel/taste it in a way if you know what I mean.
I got home around 11.20pm and headed for bed.
Long Sweet Long...It's been a long long few days and I love it. I love the hustle and bustle of it all, and I don't regret ever returning to Singapore for this kind of lifestyle.