I cried in the night - when I discovered my pain.
I cried in the morning - when I didn't know what was wrong.
I cried at the polyclinic - when I found sitting and waiting strenuous.
I cried on the way home - when I accidently shifted my head to a bad position.
I cried in bed - when I couldn't find a comfortable position for a while.
I cried on the phone - when mum rang to share her concern.
But I didn't cry over the needles!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Needles - The Chinese Way
In the middle of last night, like my usual restless sleeping me, I tried to change a sleeping position, turning to the other side.
But I never expected to hear, "crack."
A sharp pain pierced through the right side of my neck. After stroking it for a while, I found a comfortable position and the sleepy me drifted back into dreamland.
At 4am, my dream ended and I woke up, realising that the strenuous pain in my neck was still there. I tried to change position, I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in. Lying on my left induced the pain, lying faced up didn't help either, but my right was a little paralysed because for the past hours I've been lying on that side. The pain didn't subside!
My brain woke and started work. What if I sprained it? What if it's dislocated? I panicked. I knocked on my grandparent's door, waking them up. My grandmother helped me rub some medicated oil on my neck and I went back to sleep again.
After an hour of so, I woke up. 6am. I couldn't sleep anymore. I was too worried. It's the first time I've ever been in such a situation, and I didn't know what to do. My neck was in so much pain, I could hardly move it. I could turn it slightly to the right, even less slightly to the left, and I couldn't look down without it hurting! I knew I had to see a doctor.
At 8am, my grandparents took me to the polyclinic. The car journey there was terrible. Every hump and jerk induced more pain.
When we got to the polyclinic, it was filled with people. I chose to go to the polyclinic because I thought they'd have x-ray facilities (just in case) as compared to a private family clinic.
After waiting for almost 2 hours, we finally saw the useless doctor for 2 minutes. What did he do? Nothing. He didn't feel my neck to see how it was. He only asked me to turn left and right, scribbled down something, and started prescribing some cream and painkiller tablets for me. And I was sent out. PAH.
Okay, apart from the cheap medical consultation and medicine fees, everything else sucked. I would never go back to a polyclinic. I'd rather pay more money for a shorter wait and a more friendly service! Doctors included.
I got home and went back to bed, sleeping from 11am till 3pm.
When I woke up, my neck wasn't any better. Grandpa said he'll take me to a chinese doctor, so after lunch, we left.
At the clinic, it was another round of waiting. This time, it wasn't more than an hour. When we saw the doctor, she took my pulse, asked me what was wrong, and then told me to proceed to the next room for...ACUPUNCTURE!
I didn't even have time to contemplate. I was there already and automatically, I did as I was told. I hate needles - I was put on such a spot that I didn't know what to do otherwise but to do as instructed.
As I lied down, she stuck needles down my neck. MY FIRST NEEDLE went in. I don't know how to describe it, it's not a prolong pain, more like a sharp short-term sting. That was one. I think there were about 6. She also added this electronic pulse thingy which sent out sharp thumps to my neck. After the treatment, she gave me a massage - it could kill me! She made me turn my head as she massaged. OUCH!
But at the end of it, my neck felt a tinnie winnie bit better. We got home, mum rang, had dinner and I took their horrid chinese medicine - why can't they make chinese medicine tastier?
This is my first ever CHINESE MEDICINE experience and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with my tolerance! Plus, it wasn't too bad afterall, especially when it comes to sprains, English doctors are USELESS!
But I never expected to hear, "crack."
A sharp pain pierced through the right side of my neck. After stroking it for a while, I found a comfortable position and the sleepy me drifted back into dreamland.
At 4am, my dream ended and I woke up, realising that the strenuous pain in my neck was still there. I tried to change position, I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in. Lying on my left induced the pain, lying faced up didn't help either, but my right was a little paralysed because for the past hours I've been lying on that side. The pain didn't subside!
My brain woke and started work. What if I sprained it? What if it's dislocated? I panicked. I knocked on my grandparent's door, waking them up. My grandmother helped me rub some medicated oil on my neck and I went back to sleep again.
After an hour of so, I woke up. 6am. I couldn't sleep anymore. I was too worried. It's the first time I've ever been in such a situation, and I didn't know what to do. My neck was in so much pain, I could hardly move it. I could turn it slightly to the right, even less slightly to the left, and I couldn't look down without it hurting! I knew I had to see a doctor.
At 8am, my grandparents took me to the polyclinic. The car journey there was terrible. Every hump and jerk induced more pain.
When we got to the polyclinic, it was filled with people. I chose to go to the polyclinic because I thought they'd have x-ray facilities (just in case) as compared to a private family clinic.
After waiting for almost 2 hours, we finally saw the useless doctor for 2 minutes. What did he do? Nothing. He didn't feel my neck to see how it was. He only asked me to turn left and right, scribbled down something, and started prescribing some cream and painkiller tablets for me. And I was sent out. PAH.
Okay, apart from the cheap medical consultation and medicine fees, everything else sucked. I would never go back to a polyclinic. I'd rather pay more money for a shorter wait and a more friendly service! Doctors included.
I got home and went back to bed, sleeping from 11am till 3pm.
When I woke up, my neck wasn't any better. Grandpa said he'll take me to a chinese doctor, so after lunch, we left.
At the clinic, it was another round of waiting. This time, it wasn't more than an hour. When we saw the doctor, she took my pulse, asked me what was wrong, and then told me to proceed to the next room for...ACUPUNCTURE!
I didn't even have time to contemplate. I was there already and automatically, I did as I was told. I hate needles - I was put on such a spot that I didn't know what to do otherwise but to do as instructed.
As I lied down, she stuck needles down my neck. MY FIRST NEEDLE went in. I don't know how to describe it, it's not a prolong pain, more like a sharp short-term sting. That was one. I think there were about 6. She also added this electronic pulse thingy which sent out sharp thumps to my neck. After the treatment, she gave me a massage - it could kill me! She made me turn my head as she massaged. OUCH!
But at the end of it, my neck felt a tinnie winnie bit better. We got home, mum rang, had dinner and I took their horrid chinese medicine - why can't they make chinese medicine tastier?
This is my first ever CHINESE MEDICINE experience and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with my tolerance! Plus, it wasn't too bad afterall, especially when it comes to sprains, English doctors are USELESS!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
One Ankle
Yesterday while on my way to work, I sprained my ankle. Wait...before you say 'OH NO', let me assure you it's not that serious. Just a little swollen, that's all.
Apart from the embarassing twisting of the feet and the flinging of arms as I regained composure, I managed to move myself to the side, supported by a lamp post. Thank goodness for Singapore's lamp posts!
But I blame cell phones. It was because I was distracted by my cell phone going off that I didn't watch where I was walking and drew a big scene for all motorist driving past to see. And that stupid lady walking behind me didn't even bother to ask if I was ok! PAH!
But then again, it wasn't serious because I managed to walk just fine for the rest of the day, getting away without a limp. My colleagues didn't even notice a thing!
This is my first sprain so I had to document it with pictures! Haha...
Apart from the embarassing twisting of the feet and the flinging of arms as I regained composure, I managed to move myself to the side, supported by a lamp post. Thank goodness for Singapore's lamp posts!
But I blame cell phones. It was because I was distracted by my cell phone going off that I didn't watch where I was walking and drew a big scene for all motorist driving past to see. And that stupid lady walking behind me didn't even bother to ask if I was ok! PAH!
But then again, it wasn't serious because I managed to walk just fine for the rest of the day, getting away without a limp. My colleagues didn't even notice a thing!
This is my first sprain so I had to document it with pictures! Haha...

Two Companies
Today at work, I did an analysis between my previous employer and my current. Yes, that was my workload for the day...
MC/PC | P.S: | |
Clock Out Time | 5pm means 5pm | 6pm sometimes mean 6.30pm, 7pm, or later |
Unfinished Business | Come in and do it tomorrow! | No work? Pretend to have work. |
First Days Queries | Any Questions? Just ask. Even silly ones. | We expect you to be independent, but if there's questions then ask. We don't expect you to know everything. |
Working Noise Volume | A lot of chatting with sudden outbursts | Quiet with infrequent chatters |
Working Styles | Sharing with others, more outspoken even if others don't really want to listen | Keep to ourselves. My job is my job, don't need to share details with others |
Quality of Chat | On the lighter side of life, jokes and random chats | More serious chatting |
Breaks | Compulsary 10 minute breaks in the morning and afternoon - Employment Act | Take breaks when you need them, i.e. have a cup of coffee |
Dress Code | Smart Casual | |
Flexibility | To a reaonsable extent | |
Colleagues | Friendly and nice |
Three Stages of Love
I was surfing the net and I came upon a particular government site...and I cracked up! Enjoy!
"Primary school children start by learning to love Singapore. But at the same time, they will also begin the next stage of learning to know it. When they become secondary schoolchildren, they will learn both to love and know Singapore. And they will also start preparing for the next stage, which is to look into the principles by which Singapore is led and governed."I don't recall ever learning to LOVE Singapore? Do you?
Four Before Seven Thirty
I got home before 7.30pm today! It was an accomplishment!!!!! For this entire week, I haven't been home till past 8pm except for today! It felt GREAT!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
What does 6pm really mean?
Why don't people go home?
Do they really have so much to do?
How come I left at 7pm and there were still so many people in the office?
Why do people stay on?
Is it because they think it's not right to leave at 6pm?
Maybe they do have heaps of work to do, you think?
Why am I making such a big deal out of this when I knew perfectly well this was how Singaporeans work?
Why am I complaining, instead of embracing this new experience?
Yes, why don't I look on the positive side?
At least I reach home before 9pm, isn't that worth celebrating?
And do you want to hear more?
Why didn't I try walking a distance first in my new pair of shoes?
Was I too lazy to walk 5 meters?
Why did it seem to fit when I was at the shop?
But why didn't I realise it was too big for me?
Did you know I struggled the entire day to keep my shoes on my feet?
Why isn't sticky tape sticky enough to hope my feet to my shoes?
Do you know how painful the 5 blisters and 2 almost blisters on my feet feel?
I think I should throw it away, don't you?
But it is so pretty, wouldn't it be such a waste?
Do they really have so much to do?
How come I left at 7pm and there were still so many people in the office?
Why do people stay on?
Is it because they think it's not right to leave at 6pm?
Maybe they do have heaps of work to do, you think?
Why am I making such a big deal out of this when I knew perfectly well this was how Singaporeans work?
Why am I complaining, instead of embracing this new experience?
Yes, why don't I look on the positive side?
At least I reach home before 9pm, isn't that worth celebrating?
And do you want to hear more?
Why didn't I try walking a distance first in my new pair of shoes?
Was I too lazy to walk 5 meters?
Why did it seem to fit when I was at the shop?
But why didn't I realise it was too big for me?
Did you know I struggled the entire day to keep my shoes on my feet?
Why isn't sticky tape sticky enough to hope my feet to my shoes?
Do you know how painful the 5 blisters and 2 almost blisters on my feet feel?
I think I should throw it away, don't you?
But it is so pretty, wouldn't it be such a waste?
Monday, June 26, 2006
Who said it was going to be easy?
And now here I am, suffering from my own decisions. Okay...not suffering. I hardly did anything today, except in that last additional one hour of my work day...
This morning, there was a client briefing and so many other advertising agencies turned up. Some came in polo tees, some came formal. The briefing was fun! I enjoyed myself sitting there and absorbing everything advertising. This is greatly different from my previous job in Auckland. The first encounter with the client and I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. I was enlightened on how demanding the advertising industry in Singapore is, how demanding clients are, and I was embracing it all. It was exciting, it was challenging, it was fantastic. I was finally in the real advertising industry and I loved it!
The rest of the day was spent reading through the thick thick client tender document, trying to comprehend what was required. We were supposed to have a meeting with my boss but he had to attend to another appointment, so we scheduled it for later.
Then in the evening, when it was coming to the end of my first working day, my boss finally returned and we had our meeting. Which meant working late - something I was semi-prepared for as I made my decision to move back to Singapore.
However, the meeting killed all my brain cells, ok ok, maybe that's an exageration, but I felt exhausted trying to think of something creative off the top of my head. I know I should give myself time, afterall it's only my first day at work, but my mind started wandering off to a land called 'Doubt', where I started doubting whether I have what it takes for this competitive advertising industry. I hate it when I visit 'Doubtland'. I don't give myself time to adjust, I don't give myself a chance!
NO...I need to get out of 'Doubtland' now and jump into 'Faithland'. That's where I know I'll be taken care of, that's where I know I'll be alright. God's brought me in to this industry, He's going to carry me through it. I just know it!
I love this industry and I'm going to make the most out of it. Scrap the title 'Who said it was going to be easy?' The new title is 'Bring it on!'
And now here I am, suffering from my own decisions. Okay...not suffering. I hardly did anything today, except in that last additional one hour of my work day...
This morning, there was a client briefing and so many other advertising agencies turned up. Some came in polo tees, some came formal. The briefing was fun! I enjoyed myself sitting there and absorbing everything advertising. This is greatly different from my previous job in Auckland. The first encounter with the client and I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. I was enlightened on how demanding the advertising industry in Singapore is, how demanding clients are, and I was embracing it all. It was exciting, it was challenging, it was fantastic. I was finally in the real advertising industry and I loved it!
The rest of the day was spent reading through the thick thick client tender document, trying to comprehend what was required. We were supposed to have a meeting with my boss but he had to attend to another appointment, so we scheduled it for later.
Then in the evening, when it was coming to the end of my first working day, my boss finally returned and we had our meeting. Which meant working late - something I was semi-prepared for as I made my decision to move back to Singapore.
However, the meeting killed all my brain cells, ok ok, maybe that's an exageration, but I felt exhausted trying to think of something creative off the top of my head. I know I should give myself time, afterall it's only my first day at work, but my mind started wandering off to a land called 'Doubt', where I started doubting whether I have what it takes for this competitive advertising industry. I hate it when I visit 'Doubtland'. I don't give myself time to adjust, I don't give myself a chance!
NO...I need to get out of 'Doubtland' now and jump into 'Faithland'. That's where I know I'll be taken care of, that's where I know I'll be alright. God's brought me in to this industry, He's going to carry me through it. I just know it!
I love this industry and I'm going to make the most out of it. Scrap the title '
Reality Starts Here
Here I am, all ready for work.

Not knowing what to expect: a little afriad, a little excited, a little worried, a little anxious...a lot of littles that I can't express in words.
My long break has finally come to an end, reality starts from here. Who knows what Singapore has in store for me? Only Him.
So I keep the Lord close to my heart, taking Him to work with me. Wishing myself all the best, I embark on this new journey of my life...

Not knowing what to expect: a little afriad, a little excited, a little worried, a little anxious...a lot of littles that I can't express in words.
My long break has finally come to an end, reality starts from here. Who knows what Singapore has in store for me? Only Him.
So I keep the Lord close to my heart, taking Him to work with me. Wishing myself all the best, I embark on this new journey of my life...
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Farewell to Korea
Sob...We'll meet again, 4 years later. 아자 아자 FIGHTING!
Friday, June 23, 2006
First Day of Work
Today, work started for the shoppaholic...
Whats' the first step to being a successful executive? Looking good.
And so, the shoppaholic started her day of hard yakka (a.k.a. work) by hitting the malls (note: the plural)! But at the start of every good day, you've got to eat and the shoppaholic had her treat of Japanese Tepanyaki, courtesy of Aunty Yuh Bing and mummy combined. It was mum's birthday (Happy Birthday Again, Mum) and since mum wasn't in Singapore to claim her birthday gift from Aunty Yuh Bing, I got to be mum's representative. Hee hee. Lunch was fantastic and by the end of it, I was all ready to shop.
And it started...the first stop was Esprit (Raffles City). Unfortunately, the top I liked from a while ago wasn't on sale anymore so I reluctantly left the shop, not phased by this setback. I trudged on, invading CityLink next, first with a pair of heels at U.R.S., then followed by a black patterned skirt from SPACE.
The next victim: Marina Square. Marina Square would never know what hit them. At B.D.G.A, the shoppaholic became a lifetime V.I.P. member after purchasing 3 tops (one black, one black pin-striped and one blue - though she's not a fan of blue, she made an exception for this one). She even made her debut purchase as a V.I.P. on a white short-sleeved jacket.
Finally, dragging herself away from that shop, she entered right back into another one - MNG - and then another - ZARA. Luckily, she wasn't very impressed with what she saw at the price she saw.
Moving on, the shoppaholic took Suntec City by storm. She found herself at Dano, purchasing a white business jacket and black pants. Both items combined, it cost even less than the price of one white jacket she had her eyes on in ZARA.
A productive day for the shoppaholic? YOU BET! It's also a very productive day for this debut workaholic in Singapore. I BOUGHT WORK CLOTHES. ALL OF THEM! HA. HOW DISCIPLINED IS THAT!!
And on her way home, she wouldn't even let Hougang Mall alone, purchasing another pair of slippers, with the purpose of replacing 2 old pairs of slippers, one almost falling apart. This however, wasn't part of her work. The last wise words from the shoppaholic, "After a hard day of work, never forget to treat yourself to something nice."
Whats' the first step to being a successful executive? Looking good.
And so, the shoppaholic started her day of hard yakka (a.k.a. work) by hitting the malls (note: the plural)! But at the start of every good day, you've got to eat and the shoppaholic had her treat of Japanese Tepanyaki, courtesy of Aunty Yuh Bing and mummy combined. It was mum's birthday (Happy Birthday Again, Mum) and since mum wasn't in Singapore to claim her birthday gift from Aunty Yuh Bing, I got to be mum's representative. Hee hee. Lunch was fantastic and by the end of it, I was all ready to shop.
And it started...the first stop was Esprit (Raffles City). Unfortunately, the top I liked from a while ago wasn't on sale anymore so I reluctantly left the shop, not phased by this setback. I trudged on, invading CityLink next, first with a pair of heels at U.R.S., then followed by a black patterned skirt from SPACE.
The next victim: Marina Square. Marina Square would never know what hit them. At B.D.G.A, the shoppaholic became a lifetime V.I.P. member after purchasing 3 tops (one black, one black pin-striped and one blue - though she's not a fan of blue, she made an exception for this one). She even made her debut purchase as a V.I.P. on a white short-sleeved jacket.
Finally, dragging herself away from that shop, she entered right back into another one - MNG - and then another - ZARA. Luckily, she wasn't very impressed with what she saw at the price she saw.
Moving on, the shoppaholic took Suntec City by storm. She found herself at Dano, purchasing a white business jacket and black pants. Both items combined, it cost even less than the price of one white jacket she had her eyes on in ZARA.
A productive day for the shoppaholic? YOU BET! It's also a very productive day for this debut workaholic in Singapore. I BOUGHT WORK CLOTHES. ALL OF THEM! HA. HOW DISCIPLINED IS THAT!!
And on her way home, she wouldn't even let Hougang Mall alone, purchasing another pair of slippers, with the purpose of replacing 2 old pairs of slippers, one almost falling apart. This however, wasn't part of her work. The last wise words from the shoppaholic, "After a hard day of work, never forget to treat yourself to something nice."
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Now or Later
Should I start work this Monday or next Monday?
I forgot to blog about my first job interview last week, but I guess it's a little redundant now. The question now is whether I should start work on this Monday or next Monday?
Initally, I told him that I'd like to start on the 3rd of July, but he just rang me today, explaining that there are several advertising pitches coming up (I'm joining a local advertising agency as an accounts executive) but if I join on the 3rd, I'd probably miss out on them. He also informed me that the next advertising pitch that comes along wouldn't be for a while so it would be good exposure if I joined this coming Monday, 26th June.
However, I've got several things I need to do before I join the firm...
1) Apply for my Singapore DL (Drivers License)
2) Shop for work handbags (realised I have small handbags, and big school bags, but not medium work-size handbags)
3) Shop for work clothes (need more formal, power work outfits)
4) Shop for an organiser and some stationery
5) Make popiah with Pear for my grandparents
6) Spend my last week of freedom with my friends
7) Relax a little more
However, I know these are trival matters compared to getting work experience as early as possible, especially when my boss wants to impart such knowledge to me as soon as possible. I shouldn't forgo this opportunity.
I can apply for DL on Saturday, shop over the weekend (though it'll be without my best friend's opinion) or shop for clothes on week nights (Singapore shops close late anyway), and I can rest tomorrow.
Yep...decision made. Sorry babe, I know we arranged to do heaps together next week, but I guess we'll have to reschedule. I know you'd understand anyways.
I forgot to blog about my first job interview last week, but I guess it's a little redundant now. The question now is whether I should start work on this Monday or next Monday?
Initally, I told him that I'd like to start on the 3rd of July, but he just rang me today, explaining that there are several advertising pitches coming up (I'm joining a local advertising agency as an accounts executive) but if I join on the 3rd, I'd probably miss out on them. He also informed me that the next advertising pitch that comes along wouldn't be for a while so it would be good exposure if I joined this coming Monday, 26th June.
However, I've got several things I need to do before I join the firm...
1) Apply for my Singapore DL (Drivers License)
2) Shop for work handbags (realised I have small handbags, and big school bags, but not medium work-size handbags)
3) Shop for work clothes (need more formal, power work outfits)
4) Shop for an organiser and some stationery
5) Make popiah with Pear for my grandparents
6) Spend my last week of freedom with my friends
7) Relax a little more
However, I know these are trival matters compared to getting work experience as early as possible, especially when my boss wants to impart such knowledge to me as soon as possible. I shouldn't forgo this opportunity.
I can apply for DL on Saturday, shop over the weekend (though it'll be without my best friend's opinion) or shop for clothes on week nights (Singapore shops close late anyway), and I can rest tomorrow.
Yep...decision made. Sorry babe, I know we arranged to do heaps together next week, but I guess we'll have to reschedule. I know you'd understand anyways.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Lost in Pongol
Tonight, I had some amazing steak. You wouldn't think you'd find such an amazing restaurant at Pongol Park but many others did. My grandparents, being frequent goers to Pongol Park, knew of the place, always walked past the place, and always noticed the crowd.
So today, we became the crowd. Sitting on the deck with Pongol Lake beside us, with the cool evening breeze moving around us, the ambience was simply a 10. Then came the food. Perhaps it's not as FANTASTIC as those $100 plate of steaks that you can find at 5 star hotels, but it was YUM. It was YUM for small little quaint restaurant lost in Pongol, and at a more than reasonable price - I couldn't be more satisfied.
So today, we became the crowd. Sitting on the deck with Pongol Lake beside us, with the cool evening breeze moving around us, the ambience was simply a 10. Then came the food. Perhaps it's not as FANTASTIC as those $100 plate of steaks that you can find at 5 star hotels, but it was YUM. It was YUM for small little quaint restaurant lost in Pongol, and at a more than reasonable price - I couldn't be more satisfied.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
My Grandparents' Dictionary
Inside my grandparents' dictionary, I've discovered 2 special words (so far).
1) Takashiyama (Original: Takashimaya)
2) Macaconi (Original: Macaroni)
"I'm going to Takashiyama to eat Macaconi."
1) Takashiyama (Original: Takashimaya)
2) Macaconi (Original: Macaroni)
"I'm going to Takashiyama to eat Macaconi."
The City In The Clouds
I've been to the clouds and back!
On Friday evening, Pear, her family, Junren and I started out on our roadtrip to Genting. Driving in the dark was a whole new experience for me. The weather was cooler, the sky was filled with stars and a smiling moon, and the roads were not congested. On the 4-5 hour journey up, Pear and I kept ourselves busy with my laptop by watching episodes of "It started with a kiss" - a Taiwan drama that I started watching on Thursday morning, all the way through Thursday and on Friday afternoon while I packed. I was left with 4 episodes. We only managed to catch 2 episodes before we arrived in Genting.
We checked in to the First World Hotel - a very colourful hotel - at around 1am, got our room key and went to put our things. We only booked one room for the 5 of us on this first night because we were out of there in no time. The first stop - TO THE CASINO. Pear's dad showed us around the casino, the gaming tables with the different games and the jackpot machines. He also showed us where we could get free drinks and cheap food inside the casino.
After hanging around the casino for a while, we left her parents there to start 'work' and decided to take a walk around our hotel. We walked through the First World indoor themepark, saw the shops, and also caught a glimpse of the outdoor themepark that was just opposite our hotel. We also walked to another connecting hotel, visited their own casino, walked past the karaoke rooms, and also other attractions before heading back to our casino for some snacks as we were a little hungry.
After the snacks, Pear and I returned to our rooms while Junren continued staying on in the casino. It was around 3+am when we got back, got settled, washed up and was ready for the last 2 episodes. I love the show. It was nice, hilarious and sweet. I think it was a good break from Korean drama. In the meantime, Pear's dad had returned to the room and was fast asleep in the other bed. Pear and I shared another bed and only went to bed around 7am.
Junren didn't return till around 8am. Pear's dad left sometime in the morning to get the keys to their room for the next few nights and her parents returned at around 10am to move over to their room while we continued sleeping till around noon, before heading off to the outdoor themepark for a day (or rather, half a day) of fun.
The themepark was crowded. We joined the long queue for our first ride, Pear's favourite swing...

This was the first time I took this ride, and it was great! It was a little thrilling and fun at the same time as we swung out while we spinned round and round.
We rode many other rides as well, sometimes even among the clouds as well. It looks like fog but it's really the clouds that surround you as you play the rides.
We rode on a flying dragon around the park and also played with bumper boats among the clouds...

We rode a mini rollercoaster and also did the corkscrew rollercoaster...

And then Pear became the cameraman as Junren and I shot up to the clouds on the space shot...

I'm always afraid of this ride, I guess it's the anticipation when you are up in the sky, waiting and waiting for the drop which never seems to come. When I was queuing, I managed to psyche myself out, chickening out before I could even get on the ride. Junren wasn't much help either. Nevertheless, I pressed on. As we rose higher and higher up, we slowly lost sight of Pear as we became surrounded in white clouds. We couldn't see anything from where we were. We reached the top and I did the countdown. When I was queueing below, I realised they waited 10 seconds before they released us so while I was up there, I did a countdown as that I could anticipate when we were dropping and be ready for it.
We dropped.
Still all white.
We dropped further.
Still among the clouds.
We dropped further.
The clouds disappearing a little.
We dropped further, slowing down.
Finally, I could see ground.
The drop wasn't as bad as it was at Lotte World. Though it was higher at 15 storeys, but I think it was because I did a countdown, I knew exactly when we would be dropping and also because I couldn't see anything below me, so that took away some fear. By the time I saw people, it was slowing down already so it wasn't too bad afterall.
I definitely enjoyed being among the clouds! I've always wanted to know the feeling of touching a cloud, but though I was in Genting and was surrounded by clouds as we rode the other rides, I never really could touch it. Its like fog - you still can see things (sometimes blur) but you can't touch it. However, while I was up on the space shot among the clouds and all I saw was white clouds around me. I couldn't see anything else, and thats when I could feel the clouds. It was right beside me, weaved among my hair, brushing on my skin. It was amazing!
We also took a scary ride on the pirates train where Pear and I scared each other out even before we entered...

And then we did something new - the first in asia. We rode on the flying coaster. The flying coaster is really something different. We rode it in a flying position, lying down on our tummies with our arms reaching forward to hold the bars ahead. It was very interesting, I've never sat anything like this before so it was a completely new experience and I didn't know what to expect.

The best part about it was then it did dips, you went head first and you did corkscrew spins while in this lying down position. It was awesome!
This was the last ride we took for the day as we met Pear's parents for dinner. That night, we went shopping. I only did window shopping but I saw several things I liked. But I bought many tibits...

That night, we played Rapidough for a while before Junren left for the casino while Pear and I took turns to shower. After showering, we took a walk around the hotel, taking heaps of photos at the lobby. Here's one of them...

There's a model of the entire Genting area at the lobby of our hotel...

If you look at the right side of the picture and see the colourful hotel...that's hotel firstworld - doesn't it look colourful?
We only got back to our room and slept at 3am. The next morning, we woke at around 11am, got ready, met her parents and together, we had lunch and sang for 2 hours at a cute cute cute room at K-Box.

That afternoon, we did shopping. I decided to buy the things I saw the day before since they were work-related. After that, we returned to our room, rested for a while before heading back out to meet Pear's parents for an early dinner at Pizza Hut. After dinner, we spent the next few hours till 1am playing at the indoor themepark.

We rode on the indoor rollercoaster a couple of times, played bumper cars twice as well and rode on a rather disappointing 4D simulator ride. We also bought a big packet of caramel popcorn (I had a craving) and went up the indoor ferris wheel...

That night after all that fun, we returned to our room for an hour of rest before waking up again to watch soccer down at the casino at 3am - KOREA vs FRANCE!!! It was a good match, exciting all the way till the end. We watched the first half, then went for some snacks before returning to our room to continue watching till the end. After the match, Pear and I went to bed while Junren headed back down to the casino to spend his last night in Genting.
The next morning, we woke up at around 11am, got ready, packed and checked out of the hotel. Pear, her mum, Junren and I took the cable car down from Genting (since her dad had free tickets) while her dad drove down.

We shopped around while we waited for Pear's dad, and together, we went to Potong Jaya to have lunch, then stopped at Batu Caves in hopes of eating Ampang Yong Tau Fu but we couldn't find the store so we continued on our drive to Johor. We shopped a little at The Store in Sentosa before going for dinner - glorious seafood. There were chilli prawns, sambal kangkong, otah, chilli cockles, buttered crayfish, and 2 lots of stingray - YUM YUM!
By the time I got dropped off home, it was almost midnight.
On Friday evening, Pear, her family, Junren and I started out on our roadtrip to Genting. Driving in the dark was a whole new experience for me. The weather was cooler, the sky was filled with stars and a smiling moon, and the roads were not congested. On the 4-5 hour journey up, Pear and I kept ourselves busy with my laptop by watching episodes of "It started with a kiss" - a Taiwan drama that I started watching on Thursday morning, all the way through Thursday and on Friday afternoon while I packed. I was left with 4 episodes. We only managed to catch 2 episodes before we arrived in Genting.
We checked in to the First World Hotel - a very colourful hotel - at around 1am, got our room key and went to put our things. We only booked one room for the 5 of us on this first night because we were out of there in no time. The first stop - TO THE CASINO. Pear's dad showed us around the casino, the gaming tables with the different games and the jackpot machines. He also showed us where we could get free drinks and cheap food inside the casino.
After hanging around the casino for a while, we left her parents there to start 'work' and decided to take a walk around our hotel. We walked through the First World indoor themepark, saw the shops, and also caught a glimpse of the outdoor themepark that was just opposite our hotel. We also walked to another connecting hotel, visited their own casino, walked past the karaoke rooms, and also other attractions before heading back to our casino for some snacks as we were a little hungry.
After the snacks, Pear and I returned to our rooms while Junren continued staying on in the casino. It was around 3+am when we got back, got settled, washed up and was ready for the last 2 episodes. I love the show. It was nice, hilarious and sweet. I think it was a good break from Korean drama. In the meantime, Pear's dad had returned to the room and was fast asleep in the other bed. Pear and I shared another bed and only went to bed around 7am.
Junren didn't return till around 8am. Pear's dad left sometime in the morning to get the keys to their room for the next few nights and her parents returned at around 10am to move over to their room while we continued sleeping till around noon, before heading off to the outdoor themepark for a day (or rather, half a day) of fun.
The themepark was crowded. We joined the long queue for our first ride, Pear's favourite swing...

This was the first time I took this ride, and it was great! It was a little thrilling and fun at the same time as we swung out while we spinned round and round.
We rode many other rides as well, sometimes even among the clouds as well. It looks like fog but it's really the clouds that surround you as you play the rides.
We rode on a flying dragon around the park and also played with bumper boats among the clouds...

We rode a mini rollercoaster and also did the corkscrew rollercoaster...

And then Pear became the cameraman as Junren and I shot up to the clouds on the space shot...

I'm always afraid of this ride, I guess it's the anticipation when you are up in the sky, waiting and waiting for the drop which never seems to come. When I was queuing, I managed to psyche myself out, chickening out before I could even get on the ride. Junren wasn't much help either. Nevertheless, I pressed on. As we rose higher and higher up, we slowly lost sight of Pear as we became surrounded in white clouds. We couldn't see anything from where we were. We reached the top and I did the countdown. When I was queueing below, I realised they waited 10 seconds before they released us so while I was up there, I did a countdown as that I could anticipate when we were dropping and be ready for it.
We dropped.
Still all white.
We dropped further.
Still among the clouds.
We dropped further.
The clouds disappearing a little.
We dropped further, slowing down.
Finally, I could see ground.
The drop wasn't as bad as it was at Lotte World. Though it was higher at 15 storeys, but I think it was because I did a countdown, I knew exactly when we would be dropping and also because I couldn't see anything below me, so that took away some fear. By the time I saw people, it was slowing down already so it wasn't too bad afterall.
I definitely enjoyed being among the clouds! I've always wanted to know the feeling of touching a cloud, but though I was in Genting and was surrounded by clouds as we rode the other rides, I never really could touch it. Its like fog - you still can see things (sometimes blur) but you can't touch it. However, while I was up on the space shot among the clouds and all I saw was white clouds around me. I couldn't see anything else, and thats when I could feel the clouds. It was right beside me, weaved among my hair, brushing on my skin. It was amazing!
We also took a scary ride on the pirates train where Pear and I scared each other out even before we entered...

And then we did something new - the first in asia. We rode on the flying coaster. The flying coaster is really something different. We rode it in a flying position, lying down on our tummies with our arms reaching forward to hold the bars ahead. It was very interesting, I've never sat anything like this before so it was a completely new experience and I didn't know what to expect.

The best part about it was then it did dips, you went head first and you did corkscrew spins while in this lying down position. It was awesome!
This was the last ride we took for the day as we met Pear's parents for dinner. That night, we went shopping. I only did window shopping but I saw several things I liked. But I bought many tibits...

That night, we played Rapidough for a while before Junren left for the casino while Pear and I took turns to shower. After showering, we took a walk around the hotel, taking heaps of photos at the lobby. Here's one of them...

There's a model of the entire Genting area at the lobby of our hotel...

If you look at the right side of the picture and see the colourful hotel...that's hotel firstworld - doesn't it look colourful?
We only got back to our room and slept at 3am. The next morning, we woke at around 11am, got ready, met her parents and together, we had lunch and sang for 2 hours at a cute cute cute room at K-Box.

That afternoon, we did shopping. I decided to buy the things I saw the day before since they were work-related. After that, we returned to our room, rested for a while before heading back out to meet Pear's parents for an early dinner at Pizza Hut. After dinner, we spent the next few hours till 1am playing at the indoor themepark.

We rode on the indoor rollercoaster a couple of times, played bumper cars twice as well and rode on a rather disappointing 4D simulator ride. We also bought a big packet of caramel popcorn (I had a craving) and went up the indoor ferris wheel...

That night after all that fun, we returned to our room for an hour of rest before waking up again to watch soccer down at the casino at 3am - KOREA vs FRANCE!!! It was a good match, exciting all the way till the end. We watched the first half, then went for some snacks before returning to our room to continue watching till the end. After the match, Pear and I went to bed while Junren headed back down to the casino to spend his last night in Genting.
The next morning, we woke up at around 11am, got ready, packed and checked out of the hotel. Pear, her mum, Junren and I took the cable car down from Genting (since her dad had free tickets) while her dad drove down.

We shopped around while we waited for Pear's dad, and together, we went to Potong Jaya to have lunch, then stopped at Batu Caves in hopes of eating Ampang Yong Tau Fu but we couldn't find the store so we continued on our drive to Johor. We shopped a little at The Store in Sentosa before going for dinner - glorious seafood. There were chilli prawns, sambal kangkong, otah, chilli cockles, buttered crayfish, and 2 lots of stingray - YUM YUM!
By the time I got dropped off home, it was almost midnight.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
I can't stop. It's addictive, I need more.
I've never been so dependent on it before, perhaps many years ago, but not nowadays, yet here I am finding myself falling right back into this habit again.
Perhaps because I've been given a similar dose of it all over again, perhaps the taste reminds me of my yesteryears, perhaps its that good, I don't know.
Usually I have the self-discipline to stop myself from continuing on for that little bit more, but I find myself helpless under the seduction of the kiss.
It all started with a kiss...feed me another episode!
I've never been so dependent on it before, perhaps many years ago, but not nowadays, yet here I am finding myself falling right back into this habit again.
Perhaps because I've been given a similar dose of it all over again, perhaps the taste reminds me of my yesteryears, perhaps its that good, I don't know.
Usually I have the self-discipline to stop myself from continuing on for that little bit more, but I find myself helpless under the seduction of the kiss.
It all started with a kiss...feed me another episode!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Finally Like a Bedroom
Finally, all the necessary pieces to my bedroom is done and up!
My modern queen size bed with bright sheets as I like it,
My bright green lamp and apple green telephone,
My new 6 piece wall set all the way from Korea,
And my gorgeous bikini wall art from New Zealand.

My cool shelf from Ikea which houses my entertainment:
My recently purchased television and everything connected,
My brand new as-of-today stereo and all my CDs,
And many others that belong just where they are...

My modern queen size bed with bright sheets as I like it,
My bright green lamp and apple green telephone,
My new 6 piece wall set all the way from Korea,
And my gorgeous bikini wall art from New Zealand.

My cool shelf from Ikea which houses my entertainment:
My recently purchased television and everything connected,
My brand new as-of-today stereo and all my CDs,
And many others that belong just where they are...

Monday, June 12, 2006
Engineers Wanted
Why didn't I study Engineering? There's so many jobs in the recruitment section of the papers looking for engineers! AHHHHHH.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Where Legends Are Born
You can stand amidst fields of gold and green,
And hear a billion hearts that beat unseen.
You can join the crowds that cheers as one,
At the place where they all come.
You can fill ninety minutes of fleeting time and space,
With tragedy, triumph and amazing grace.
You can carry it forever in your soul,
Their names carved on every goal.
This is where you can always belong,
This is where legends are born.
Welcome to the FIFA WORLD CUP 2006...
And hear a billion hearts that beat unseen.
You can join the crowds that cheers as one,
At the place where they all come.
You can fill ninety minutes of fleeting time and space,
With tragedy, triumph and amazing grace.
You can carry it forever in your soul,
Their names carved on every goal.
This is where you can always belong,
This is where legends are born.
Welcome to the FIFA WORLD CUP 2006...
Friday, June 09, 2006
The Only One
When do you feel like you're the only one on this planet?
A. When no one replies the countless messages you've sent.
B. When no one replies the messages you've left on msn.
C. When you have nothing to do on a Friday night except to stay home (especially on The World Cup Opening Night)
D. All of the above.
But then again, how often does this happen? I should treasure the moment...
But then again, I can never be the only one because they always pull though in the end.
The one who doesn't reply my text messages finally does (even though it's after a long distance phone call), the one who doesn't reply my msn messages finally does (even though it's after a desperate text message), and though I have nothing to do on Friday night, I have plenty to do on a Saturday night!
And tonight, I have TV, Laptop and Bed to keep me company! Life can't get any better than this!
A. When no one replies the countless messages you've sent.
B. When no one replies the messages you've left on msn.
C. When you have nothing to do on a Friday night except to stay home (especially on The World Cup Opening Night)
D. All of the above.
But then again, how often does this happen? I should treasure the moment...
Meditate. Reflect. Chill.
But then again, I can never be the only one because they always pull though in the end.
The one who doesn't reply my text messages finally does (even though it's after a long distance phone call), the one who doesn't reply my msn messages finally does (even though it's after a desperate text message), and though I have nothing to do on Friday night, I have plenty to do on a Saturday night!
And tonight, I have TV, Laptop and Bed to keep me company! Life can't get any better than this!
Don't you think so?
Does she dare to be right?
At Thompson Plaza, my cell phone rings.
"Hello, Lorraine speaking." I answered the call.
"Hi Lorraine, it's SSSSS calling from Moris R.E. Pte Ltd. You just came to redeem your $200 shopping voucher from us a while ago. I just verified and the model of the television you purchased at the Computer Fair is a star model which is already at a discounted price so you actually do not qualify for the voucher..."
"But the guy from Samsung who sold me this television said I could redeem a $200 shopping voucher." I stated my case, getting a little irritated, anticipating what's to come.
"I'm sorry but we do not recognise this model as the ones you can claim. You have to sort this out with Samsung yourself. This model is not on our list. I only verified it after you left. Are you able to return the voucher to us?"
"Then why didn't you verify this with your management when I was there? Now I have to come down again to return it to you?" Irritation and anger boiling up inside of me.
"I didn't want you to wait. I verified it after you left. Where are you now?"
"I'm nowhere near the city."
"I see. You live in Hougang right? When will you be coming down to Bugis again?"
"I don't know. Not this week. Maybe next week." What can I do at this point?
"Then can you please drop it in to me next week?" She asked.
"What's your name again?" I asked.
"SSSSS." I repeated the name once in my head but the irritation growing inside of me didn't let any information past. Now I can only remember it starts with an 'S'.
"Fine. Now I have to drive all the way back in to the city again. You could have verified this when I was there." Making sure she knew I wasn't in a good mood.
"I'm really sorry. I'll see you next week."
"Bye" I hung up.
Case Study Question: What should Lorraine Do?
On one hand, Lorraine has been told during the point of purchase by 2 seperate salesman that she is entitled to a free DVD and a $200 shopping voucher. She had a letter describing where she can redeem her voucher, but it was just a general letter. It did not state that her model is non-redeemable, but neither did it say her model is entitled to the $200 voucher.
Grandpa: Lorraine should not need to give them the voucher. We'll ring the salesman up and ask why. I clearly heard that salesman say we will get a $200 voucher. How can this be? No...don't return the voucher. If they want it, ask them to come and collect it themselves. You don't have to go back to return it.
Mum: Call the salesman and ask him why. Instead, tell them to verify with the Samsung Salesman because he told you that you are entitled to it. It's not right that they ask it back. I think they are wrong. They think you are so free? Tell them off. I agree with grandpa. Ask them to come and collect it. That is bad salsmanship. They are wrong.
The problem Lorraine has is that she doesn't like causing trouble, she isn't the demanding, complaining type. She'll take what she gets. If she isn't entitled to it, she's the type who wouldn't cause a major scene and return it. She'd rather get through life with the least confrontations. The thing is, she was told at the point of purchase that she is entitled to the $200 voucher. This $200, though little in comparison to what was spent on the TV, was an incentive to purchase the television. So the question for Lorraine really is, does she dare to make her stand? Does she dare to be right?
"Hello, Lorraine speaking." I answered the call.
"Hi Lorraine, it's SSSSS calling from Moris R.E. Pte Ltd. You just came to redeem your $200 shopping voucher from us a while ago. I just verified and the model of the television you purchased at the Computer Fair is a star model which is already at a discounted price so you actually do not qualify for the voucher..."
"But the guy from Samsung who sold me this television said I could redeem a $200 shopping voucher." I stated my case, getting a little irritated, anticipating what's to come.
"I'm sorry but we do not recognise this model as the ones you can claim. You have to sort this out with Samsung yourself. This model is not on our list. I only verified it after you left. Are you able to return the voucher to us?"
"Then why didn't you verify this with your management when I was there? Now I have to come down again to return it to you?" Irritation and anger boiling up inside of me.
"I didn't want you to wait. I verified it after you left. Where are you now?"
"I'm nowhere near the city."
"I see. You live in Hougang right? When will you be coming down to Bugis again?"
"I don't know. Not this week. Maybe next week." What can I do at this point?
"Then can you please drop it in to me next week?" She asked.
"What's your name again?" I asked.
"SSSSS." I repeated the name once in my head but the irritation growing inside of me didn't let any information past. Now I can only remember it starts with an 'S'.
"Fine. Now I have to drive all the way back in to the city again. You could have verified this when I was there." Making sure she knew I wasn't in a good mood.
"I'm really sorry. I'll see you next week."
"Bye" I hung up.
Case Study Question: What should Lorraine Do?
On one hand, Lorraine has been told during the point of purchase by 2 seperate salesman that she is entitled to a free DVD and a $200 shopping voucher. She had a letter describing where she can redeem her voucher, but it was just a general letter. It did not state that her model is non-redeemable, but neither did it say her model is entitled to the $200 voucher.
Grandpa: Lorraine should not need to give them the voucher. We'll ring the salesman up and ask why. I clearly heard that salesman say we will get a $200 voucher. How can this be? No...don't return the voucher. If they want it, ask them to come and collect it themselves. You don't have to go back to return it.
Mum: Call the salesman and ask him why. Instead, tell them to verify with the Samsung Salesman because he told you that you are entitled to it. It's not right that they ask it back. I think they are wrong. They think you are so free? Tell them off. I agree with grandpa. Ask them to come and collect it. That is bad salsmanship. They are wrong.
The problem Lorraine has is that she doesn't like causing trouble, she isn't the demanding, complaining type. She'll take what she gets. If she isn't entitled to it, she's the type who wouldn't cause a major scene and return it. She'd rather get through life with the least confrontations. The thing is, she was told at the point of purchase that she is entitled to the $200 voucher. This $200, though little in comparison to what was spent on the TV, was an incentive to purchase the television. So the question for Lorraine really is, does she dare to make her stand? Does she dare to be right?
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Bits and Pieces
Bit #1 - My Fusion Creation
Last Friday, I went over to Pear's place and together, we made salad for lunch. My Fusion Creation, with lettuce, hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes, cucumber and chicken and shitake mushrooms cooked and gravyed in oyster and soy sauce.

Piece #2 - Sam Soon Dwae Ji
Last Friday, I finally gave Pear her Sam Soon Dwae Ji (the stuff toy pig from a Korean drama). Here's the cute little thing with 2 pretty girls all dressed up for a night out at the pubs...

Bit #3 - Loof Roof
That Friday evening, Pear, Junren, Zeyun and I went to the Loof for a night of drinks. The atmosphere and ambience at the rooftop Loof was nice but it was rather packed and we found ourselves standing the entire night...

Around midnight, we left the Loof, deciding to head over to my place to play some boardgames. However, when we got to my place at around 1am and I tried opening the door, I couldn't. Because earlier that night, I had informed Grandpa I wasn't coming home so he had lashed on the security latch which prevents the door from opening. BUMMER. We drove all the way back to Pear's place and played cards all the way till 4+ in the morning. I didn't sleep till 5am that morning.
Piece #4 - Almost Evolution
Just the other day, I drove Grandpa's new Lancer for the first time. I LOVE IT! It has much more power than the previous Lancer, though it still isn't my ideal. It can't match my EVO! It could look like an EVO with it's spoiler, but in terms of power, it's FAR FROM IT. Nevertheless, I'mnot fussed. I've got an awesome car to drive in Singapore and I'm thankful for that.
Bit #5 - Its Started
Yep, its started. My job hunting process. Yesterday, I sent out my first job application. Whats to follow is many more applications, some rejections and hopefully, many more interviews. I have faith in Him.
Piece #6 - The Unexpected Prince
Last night, or rather this morning at 2.30am, a friendly stranger rang. It's been ages since we've spoken on the phone for hours like old times and yesterday definitely brought back memories. It's nice to catch up once in a while with old friends and realise that you've all matured, the topics you talk about now is all about business and politics, the future, your career and how can I forget - reminiscing the past. Embarassing things were no longer laughing matters and the things we did were no longer considered silly. Everything fits nicely into this pretty box of memories that you'll cherish for life.
Bit #7 - WWWWWW??
Where's Work When We Want Work? I've spent my afternoon applying for jobs today. This is actually the most stressful part. I reckon I'm fine with interviews but it's filling in those online job application forms, tailoring my Cover Letter to suit each respective employer and searching for that one dream job that KILLS me. The only thing that lifts up my spirits at this moment is playing Shinhwa's 'Once In A LifeTime' over and over again.
Last Friday, I went over to Pear's place and together, we made salad for lunch. My Fusion Creation, with lettuce, hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes, cucumber and chicken and shitake mushrooms cooked and gravyed in oyster and soy sauce.

Piece #2 - Sam Soon Dwae Ji
Last Friday, I finally gave Pear her Sam Soon Dwae Ji (the stuff toy pig from a Korean drama). Here's the cute little thing with 2 pretty girls all dressed up for a night out at the pubs...

Bit #3 - Loof Roof
That Friday evening, Pear, Junren, Zeyun and I went to the Loof for a night of drinks. The atmosphere and ambience at the rooftop Loof was nice but it was rather packed and we found ourselves standing the entire night...

Around midnight, we left the Loof, deciding to head over to my place to play some boardgames. However, when we got to my place at around 1am and I tried opening the door, I couldn't. Because earlier that night, I had informed Grandpa I wasn't coming home so he had lashed on the security latch which prevents the door from opening. BUMMER. We drove all the way back to Pear's place and played cards all the way till 4+ in the morning. I didn't sleep till 5am that morning.
Piece #4 - Almost Evolution
Just the other day, I drove Grandpa's new Lancer for the first time. I LOVE IT! It has much more power than the previous Lancer, though it still isn't my ideal. It can't match my EVO! It could look like an EVO with it's spoiler, but in terms of power, it's FAR FROM IT. Nevertheless, I'mnot fussed. I've got an awesome car to drive in Singapore and I'm thankful for that.
Bit #5 - Its Started
Yep, its started. My job hunting process. Yesterday, I sent out my first job application. Whats to follow is many more applications, some rejections and hopefully, many more interviews. I have faith in Him.
Piece #6 - The Unexpected Prince
Last night, or rather this morning at 2.30am, a friendly stranger rang. It's been ages since we've spoken on the phone for hours like old times and yesterday definitely brought back memories. It's nice to catch up once in a while with old friends and realise that you've all matured, the topics you talk about now is all about business and politics, the future, your career and how can I forget - reminiscing the past. Embarassing things were no longer laughing matters and the things we did were no longer considered silly. Everything fits nicely into this pretty box of memories that you'll cherish for life.
Bit #7 - WWWWWW??
Where's Work When We Want Work? I've spent my afternoon applying for jobs today. This is actually the most stressful part. I reckon I'm fine with interviews but it's filling in those online job application forms, tailoring my Cover Letter to suit each respective employer and searching for that one dream job that KILLS me. The only thing that lifts up my spirits at this moment is playing Shinhwa's 'Once In A LifeTime' over and over again.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Samsung LA32R51B
Brightness 500 (cd/m)
Contrast Ratio 3000:1 (Dynamic C/R)
HD (High Definition) ready
HDMI input
Offer Price $1899
Free DVD with Purchase
Free $200 Shopping Voucher
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