0750, 15 May 2006 :: 26 Hours of SleepFrom Sunday at 0000 in the morning when I went to bed till this Monday morning 0730 when I woke up, I slept a total of 26 hours (estimated).
Here's the breakdown:
Sunday 0000 to 0930:
At 0930:
Host sister knocks on my door. "Ne" I wake and pull myself out of the bed. She signals for me to join them for breakfast and I tell her I'll give it a skip and I return to bed.
Sunday 0930 to 1300:
At 1300:
Lydia messages to ask if I want to go out with them for grocery shopping but I turn down the offer to rest in. My host sister knocks on my door and brings me a plate of assorted bread for lunch.
Sunday 1400 to 1600:
At 1600:
My alarm clock went off and I went to wash up and shower before going out with my family at 1645 for dinner. We went to some country side area for dinner. The drive was about a 45 minutes and in the car, I was nodding off as well. We arrived at the restaurant at around 1730 and discovered many other cars there. The restaurant is rather famous. It's been on television several times now.
Dinner was good. Similar kinda of Korean food - I guess I'm getting a little sick of Korean food now. I crave for some healthier food - something less spicy and more blend. I MISS MY SALADS!
We got home at around 1900 and I did some studying till 2030.
Sunday 2030 to Monday 0730
I could have slept in an extra hour. When I went out of my room thinking it's breakfast time, my host mum apologies saying that breakfast is a little later at around 0830 and she told me to go back and rest for an hour, but I'm wide awake now after 26 hours of sleep.
So why have I slept so much...
AGAIN!!!! I never used to be so weak but since I arrived in Korea, I've been sick most of the time, I'm getting sick of it. I'm down with the cough again and this time, it's BAD. My throat is constantly sore and there's so much phlegm - disgusting. Mum reckons it could be the food - too unhealthy - and also coz of all the late nights and alcohol (which I don't drink that much anyway).
It could have also been aggreviated by all the shouting done on Saturday night and the big workout on Saturday morning when I should have rested instead.
1005, 15 May 2006 :: Andy, Dongwan, Min Woo, Jun Jin, Eric and Hye SungOn Saturday morning, I had promised my host mother to go on a short road trip with the family. However, Nam Shik (my host brother) had school and my host sister had school in the afternoon so she didn't go along. It turned out it was just me and my host parents.
They took me to this memorial park that commemorates this warrior who fought bravely in the war against Japan. And we climbed up this steep hill. Though the scenery was beautiful, the climb up was tiring!
After that climb, I was so exhausted, I slept in the car while we drove to our next destination. This was much more interesting. This suburb/village we went to was called 'Hey Ri' and it started from one guy. I don't know much about him, but I know this village idea originated from him. All the houses built in this area can't be more than 3 storeys high, and they have to be of a modern design. The colours used have to be of the natural earth colours.
Apparently several famous people in Seoul lives here, including a famous club DJ and a movie director or something like that. I'm not so facinated by these, but I love the architecture of some of the houses. They are so unique. Currently, most houses are newly built or in the process of building so the area still looks rather bare but I'm sure in a couple of years, it would be so beautiful!
This house below belongs to a teacher. Because she's not rich, the house is quite small compared to others but the breadloaf shape makes it unique!

This house below is quite simple and boring, I feel, but it belongs to a famous DJ in Korea.

This is one of my favourite houses I saw that day. The walls of the house is of rusting metal but the design is just very unique and cool. Looks a little like a ship as well.

There are many other cafes, art galleries and shops around, built according to these rules as well.
My host mum and I also went into this house filled with pottery and took some photos beside these kim chi pots.

Then we went for a spin in the car as we searched for this restaurant for lunch. They had a specific place in mind and finally after driving for half an hour or more and after several arguments in the car between my host mum and dad about where it was, we finally found it.

We ate baebeque fish on an outside patio along with many other families. The interesting thing about this place is first, you find an empty area on the patio and sit. A staff will come around and take your order. Then a while later, they will carry a table full of food you ordered to you. when they clear the tables, it's the same deal. They carry the entire table away.
Here's a picture of them bringing and clearing the food (to the table beside us):

We got home at around 2.30pm and instead of resting, I watched an episode of last week's Spring Waltz that I missed with my host mum before going out again to meet Muji, Irene and her husband. We had an early dinner at 4.45pm before rushing off to the Olympic Park Stadium for Shinhwa's concert.

We joined the long queue and entered into the stadium. Our seats were pretty good, quite close to the front!

The concert finally started as the lights went out. Screams were heard far before Shinhwa appeared on stage. They teased us with a long intro music before the finally appeared on stage.
The first song they performed was 'Hey Come On' and the crowd roared up! I found myself screaming throughout as well!

There were fireworks and everything. They looked so good in real life, dancing on stage. Too bad my camera's zoom isn't fantastic or else I would be able to catch them in pictures. Here's a blurred picture of them, but the colours from the lights were so beautiful.

They also did solo performances, except for Andy, my favourite, who did duet raps with Eric.
In my opinion, Jun Jin was the best. He could dance and he could sing as well. Min Woo was quite good himself - he's so cute. Dong Wan is just drop dead gorgeous, especially when he sung ballets. Hye Sung wowed all his female fans with one of Ricky Martin's song.
The concert ended with them standing on raised platforms with 'snowlike' white paper blown into the air.

Of course, the end is never the end until the encore is over. It was obvious they were going to do an encore because the lights were all out and they just waited as the fans shouted for them. They teased us a little longer before finishing their concert with their famous 'Yo!'.
You knew it was the end when the lights remained on for the audience to evacuate. At the end of the concert, I was exhausted from all the screaming and I knew I would pay the price for that the next day.
We ate some dinner before reaching home around midnight. That was definitely the climax of the month. Even Friday's eventful day trip couldn't compare.
1100, 15 May 2006 :: Different Modes of TransportationOn Friday, we decided to visit the 'Full House' (Korean drama) house. Visiting the house wasn't as eventful as the journey there and back.
The day started off with us getting some lunch before taking the Airport Limo Bus to Incheon Airport. When we got to Incheon Airport an hour later, we rang for a van to take us to Sam Mok Port where we caught a ferry across to Shin Do, a small island.

We were clearly tourists because we almost missed our ferry stop. When they ferry arrived at Shin Do, we waited for the cars to drive off the boat. As we waited for other cars to drive off but didn't, we realised that they were raising the platform and the boat was about to leave the dock. When the boat crew saw us standing there, they shouted for us to hurry alight. As we alighted, one crew member shouted saying that this was the Full House stop. How did he know?
We realised that the house we wanted to go was on another small island beside Shin Do. How are we going to get there? We didn't know yet.
As we approached the ticket booth, this guy was pointing us in the direction of the bus. The bus driver also smiled at us, as if he was waiting for us. We boarded the bus and asked if he was going to the Full House drama set. He nodded and we paid him and off we went. It was as if they knew we were going to the Full House set.
While on the bus journey through the country roads, we discovered why. This island is in such a remote location that no tourist would ever think of touring the island if not for the Full House drama set.
The bus driver alighted us and pointed us in the direction of the house saying that we needed to walk. He told us to return to this spot to catch the bus.
As we walked in, we didn't know how far the house was. We just knew it was in this general direction.

We arrived at this bicycle stand and wanted to rent some bikes but no one seemed to be mending the store so we continued walking. After walking another 5 minutes, we realised it was still a distance away and was contemplating whether to turn back and try the bike store again when this truck came driving along. We waved him down and asked here the Full House set was. He said it was quite far away and after talking for a while, he offered to drive us there. So us girls climbed into the back of the truck while Andy, Irene's husband, sat with him in the front. This was the first time I've ever hitched a ride before and this was also the first time I've ever ridden on the back of a truck and it was rather exciting.

We arrived at the Full House set and bought our tickets.

And the photo taking started. Here's me with the bike on which the lead actress learnt how to cycle...

Here's the famous spiral staircase of the house...

Here's us at the dining table where Rain and Song Hae Gyo sat...

Here's the sofa where they pretended to sleep in...

And here's the famous wall art that Song Hae Gyo had to clean, square by square...

There was, of course, the bathroom...

And the kitchen sink...

The window they washed together...

And of course, Bi's bedroom...

Also Song Hae Gyo's bedroom...

Here's the house from the back...

And here's the front door...

Yes, we took many many pictures. As I'm not a big fan of Full House, these pictures are for you, best friend!
We returned to Hung Dae for dinner, met Lydia and together, went to Seoul's only casino. Locals are not allowed to enter so Lydia waited for us outside while we took a walk around.
And that was my Friday.