I haven't had time to blog in ages, so I've written a whole lot...but if you can't be bothered reading the lot, just scroll down to the part dated 26th March!! I think it's the best day of my life in Korea!!! Check it out!! I'm still beaming from joy because of it. A part of me wishes it was Kangta, but I'm still thankful for it all!
2330, 24 March 2006 :: I declare it PINK DAYI've got so much to say today - whenever do I not - but it's also because it's been ages since I've updated my blog, so much has happened!! But not to worry, I'll break this long (I have already forseen it to be long) entry down into parts...starting from where I last updated.
Part I: Almost Not a Single PennyOn the 22nd of March, Wednesday, I had classes in the morning as usual, followed by private lessons at Omokgyo. Yuki wasn't feeling well so she stayed home that day. After lessons, our teacher had invited us to go shopping but Taro had other arrangements so it was just me and the teacher. She's very friendly and energetic so hanging with her was loads of fun. I even brushed up on my mandarin coz she speaks and teaches mandarin in Korea as well!!
We walked around Hyundai Department Store that was just located at the first few floors of her apartment. The clothes sold in department stores in Korea are unaffordable because they are very branded so all we did was 'ah i syor ping' (translation: eye shopping, a.k.a. window shopping). She told me all about her Singaporean friends and interesting things that happened to her while she was on holidays. Then, she treated me to dinner followed by coffee before we shopped around somemore.
We visited MNG where I tried on several garments but nothing really caught my attention. I think MNG in Korea carries a different style of clothes than in Singapore, perhaps catered to a more Korean taste. However, it was rather pricey - I think it's cheaper in Singapore. But while at another shop, I spotted a beige hat that I liked, except that I wasn't sure that was the colour I wanted so I didn't buy it in the end, though it was on sale!!!!
During shopping, I received a shocking phone call from Lydia telling me that Yuki was returning to Tokyo on FRIDAY!! She's not feeling too well so she thought it'd be best if she returned home sooner. Plus, because Yuki doesn't know when she'd faint again and for that reason, we are all worried and she's worried that it might happen again, so it's all good that she's going back sooner.
We then headed to a book store to browse through some korean storybooks. I wanted to buy a korean storybook that was interesting and yet not too hard for me to read and possibly understanding by translating with the help of my old-fashion dictionary (it's at these times that I wish I bought an electronic dictionary). I found one book that had both Korean and English versions on opposite pages. It was fantastic, except that the book's called 'The Little Prince' and I've read it before but didn't find it very interesting. In the end, I came out empty handed.
We then returned back to her apartment to see the amazing night scene from her place on the 57th storey. It was breath-taking!! Korea is absolutely beautiful at night!! Don't you think so?

I also took photos of her 2 babies...

I didn't stay too long at her place coz it was already past 9pm. Rushing home, I realised that I didn't spend a single cent that day!! Isn't that amazing?? I had a light lunch but it was Taro's treat, dinner was on my teacher...I didn't buy anything (a shoppaholic's accomplishment) - oh wait. I did. I bought a cup of Iced Mocha at Starbucks - W4300. Pooz...I ALMOST didn't spend a single cent.
Part II: I Declare it PINK DAYThe theme on the 23rd of March was PINK. I was dressed in my pink boots, a black skirt for contrast, a pink top and of course I carried by pink backpack.
Yuki came to school today!! She didn't attend lessons, but came after class to say goodbye to the teacher and several other classmates. We had a YUMMY sandwich lunch together with Taro and Andrew, an Australian. We also took a stroll along the side of this new made-made stream that was near to our school, taking loads of photos. Yuki was a great friend and shopping company!!! She and I grew quite close over the course of these 3 weeks. I've even been promoted to best friend status in Yuki's books, which was an honour for me.

That afternoon, Yuki and I went shopping together for the last time. First, while changing lines at Dong Dae Mun stadium, I bought this lime green pair of shoes I had been eyeing since Tuesday - my first purchase of the day.
Then, we went to Dong Dae Mun as she wanted to buy a school bag for her next year of university. After an anguishing bargaining session after bargaining session, we finally made our purchase at one out of the three shops that had the particular bag she wanted. The most expensive price quoted was W60000 (bearing in mind that we are foreigners and hence they'd increase the price by a lot thinking we don't know prices), and our best final offer was W35000 - it was a done deal.
Having bought her bag, it was my turn to shop. Making our way around the many mini booths, we found ourselves at a hat stop that had several hats that caught my attention. I ended up settling for a pretty PINK one that both Yuki and I liked. I haven't seen this design around at the other shops so it was a good buy. After making the purchase, I started wearing my new head accessory!!!
We were meeting Min Hee at 5.30pm at Chungmuro station, so on our way there, we stopped by at roadside earring stalls and I ended up buying 2 pairs of cute as earrings. That morning while rushing out of the house, I forgot to put on earrings so my ears felt bare and naked. At the first shop, I bought a pretty pair of PINK flower earrings (which only settled the problem of ONE naked ear). So after walking a little further, we came to another stall, where I ended up buying this other CUTE cUTE sUPER CUTE pair of earrings - they were PINK mini stuff toy bunnies!!!! Now both my ears were dressed and I felt great!!
At 5.30pm after meeting Min Hee and Michael, the 4 of us made our way up to Nam San Seoul Tower - our tourist desitination of the day. We had a ball the moment we got there, taking photos after photos at the bottom of the tower...

And then more photos at the top!!

We even took photos in the new toilets.

They had just renovated Seoul Tower so it interior design of the place was looking fantastically brand new and modern. We got to watch the sun as it set on the entire Seoul and as night crawled its way in.
At around 7.30pm, we descended the tower and went off for a delicious seafood dinner. It was Yuki's last night in Korea, so we had to have some good Korean food before calling it a day.
Thursday was a day to remember. Not only did I buy heaps of pink things - my lime green pair of shoes included since green is the new pink - I also got to see the entire of Seoul and eat till our hearts content.
There's this expression/slang in Korea that I simply love: Mork Gor Jook Da!!
Directly translating, it means 'let's eat and then die'. Indirectly, it means we'd keep eating till we get so stuffed.
1137, 25 March 2006 :: Continuation...I was so tired yesterday, I didn't finish updating about my life and all the many things I wanted to say...yep, this entry isn't done yet and you are probably far from the end...so hang in there if you are still reading this, take a breather before continuing. Haha.
Part III: Your Life Yours NOTI don't understand how a person can ever think of taking their own life. It's just an option I've never ever considered and I'm surprised how a person could take life so lightly as if it's a joke, unless it's the reverse that they are taking life too seriously so much so that it becomes too overwhelming for them to cope with? Morl Rla Yo (translation: I don't know).
Perhaps the reason why I don't is because I've got God in my life. My life has been awesome so far, plus I know everything will be great because my life is in God's hands and protected with all His love. But even if you don't have God in your life, shouldn't you still treasure it?
Do you really have no good memories to recollect and feel loved at least once? I know you do.
Do you really think taking your own life would make it easier? If yes, then can I ask why? Because how do you know what will happen in the future?
Do you really want to throw life away like that as if it's a piece of trash? What about all your dreams you have? Isn't it something to look forward to?
Do you really think your life is for you to kidd with? Then I think you are selfish.
Very selfish. Your life is not yours to own. I think your life is like a company and it's shares. The company may be yours, with your own name and your own identity, but it could not have been possible without everyone else who helped along the way - the shareholders, however important or insignificant they could be.
Here's how I see it...
CFOs and Senior Financial Advisers (a.k.a. parents) - 35 percent
They gave you life and supported you all these years. It would have been easy to have aborted you in the first place if this was case, that you'd end up taking your own life. So you owe them big time!Silent Partners (a.k.a. grandparents and relatives) - 15 percent
Don't tell me all the love your grandparents showered you with didn't mean a thing.Board Members and Advisers (a.k.a. best and close friends) - 30 percent
What about your friends who's supported you in all the decisions you've made in life and gave wise advise and a comforting shoulders whenever you needed it?Counsellers and Senior Advisers (a.k.a. teachers) - 7 percent
Don't they deserve a share since they've taught and helped educate you to the person you are now? They could have paid less attention to you and let you struggle on your own, giving you more reason to take your life, but they didn't. They have your future at heart.Systems Support (a.k.a. nurses and doctors) - 2 percent
What about the nurses and doctors who fought to keep you alive? They deserve a share in your life.All Miscellaneous Personnel (a.k.a. all the strangers and others who has appeared in your life) - 1 percent
Insignificant they may seem, but they are important. Without good samaritans who's lent you their cell phone in times of need, who pointed you in the right direction or gave help along the way...where would you be now?Finally, the CEO of the company (a.k.a. YOU) - 10 percent
Not that much left for you huh? Spend this 10 percent well!! It would decide the future of your company!So the decision lies in your hands...should you end this company and make redundant all your staff? Or continue building your company up to a brighter future??
Part IV: Po Gor Ship Po Yo...You don't know how much you miss a person's presence until they have left. And it wasn't only me. Taro shared my feelings on this subject. On Friday 24th of March, Yuki returned to Tokyo.
The classroom felt kinda empty without her to nodd off in class.
Lunch felt kinda empty without her to order Dok Ppok Ki and share my Kim Bab with.
After lunch, her presence was felt once again when we didn't hear the familiar "Tam Bae Pi Go Ship Por Yo" (translation: I want to smoke) and "'I'll Be Back' Mor Ra Go Hae Yo?" (translation: How do you say 'I'll be back'?).
At the subway while on the way to Omokgyo for private lessons, her presence was missed once again as we walked past the waffle shop and no one stopped to buy strawberry waffle, even if she was stuffed she would get one just coz.
During our private lessons once again, there was no one nodding off and trailing her korean sentences off to silence.
Yep, we surely miss Yuki.
Anyway, on Friday after private lessons, I returned with my teacher to the book store. I thought I'd end up buying the Korean-English version of 'The Little Prince'. However, when I went back on Friday, my sight was steered to a different book or books. They had much less words than 'The Little Prince', and a lot more pictures. The books were written in complete Korean, but many cute pictures accompanied the storyline as the story developed. It was perfect for a beginner like me. I wouldn't have to frantically flip through my dictionary at every word to make sense of the sentences. The pictures would help me a great deal. Plus, the stories are rather intimate to me and my situation.
I ended up buying three books of the like.

The first book was titled 'Snowcat in Paris'. It's about a cat (the author) and her travels on her own to Paris as she explored the city. It really reflects my current situation in Seoul, as I explore and discover bit by bit, day by day, something beautiful about Korea.
The second book that I bought tells about the life of the author, as she left her hometown village for the bigger city of Seoul and her life while living alone, and her journey to discover love. The third book is a continuation, about how this author fell out of love and discovered love once again, and then she got married.
I'm looking forward to exploring these 3 Korean books and seeing all the CUTE CUTE SUPER CUTE pictures!!! And hopefully, it'd help my Korean along the way as well!!
Part V: Waiting...Ki Da Rim Ni DaYesterday (Friday), as I stood behind the yellow line in my new green shoes, waiting for my train to come...I suddenly had the urge to write a blog entry about it.

Waiting...isn't that what we are always doing?
Waiting to make new friends...
Waiting for friends as they arrive late for an appointment...
Waiting for someone else as they make their decisions...
Waiting for the right moment to say something that may not be appropriate...
Waiting for a job interview...
Waiting for the hopefully promising phone call...
Waiting for the boss' instuctions...
Waiting for the computer to quit thinking and start working...
Waiting for time to pass at work...
Waiting for the weekend of hopeful rest to come...
Waiting for the right someone to enter into our lives...
Waiting for the phone beside you to RINGGGGGGG...
Waiting for the precious moment of the first kiss...
Waiting for the world to stop turning as you bask in love...
Waiting for THE question...
Waiting for the day every girl dreams of since young...
Waiting on the husband...once in a while...
Waiting for the right chance to break the news of pregnancy...
Waiting for 9 whole months...
Waiting for 'THIS THING TO GET OUT!!'
Waiting for the first cry...
Waiting for the first smile and giggle...
Waiting for the first word...
Waiting for the first walk...
Waiting for the first day of kindergarden...
Waiting for their exam results...
Waiting for their big graduation...
Waiting for the first introduction to their boyfriend/girlfriend...
Waiting for the wedding bells...
Waiting to be grandparents...
Waiting for the day I meet God in Heaven...
With practice, I think I'm getting better at waiting. Impatience is another story for another day.
0045, 26 March 2006 :: AHHHHHH!!!!! The Most Lucky Girls Alive!!!It's real late right now but I need to blog!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
I love today!!!!!!!!! It's going to be a day I'll remember FOREVER!!!
I just want to skip on to the last event of the day to tell you what made it so fantastic, but then all the other events that happened today leads up to how perfect the timing of everything was...so much so I have to start from the top...
But I need to SHOUT IT OUT right now right now...so here's a big hint of what happened today:

Recognise him? Hee hee hee hee...read on read on...
This morning, I initially had no plans at all which was quite sad actually, so I frantically messaged people to make some plans. One of the more or less confirmed plans was going to COEX Mall. Lydia was helping a friend from Malaysia there at an education exhibition and she asked me to come down to check out COEX Mall, a massive mall in Seoul. The thing was, it was rather far away, a 45 minute train ride...
One the other hand, I had messaged a classmate of mine, Sarah and the plan was to meet up for karaoke or clubbing that evening. She was a little busy in the afternoon so I finally made the decision to head down to COEX Mall (#1 Right Decision). She'd ring me when she's done to make further arrangements.
I left at around 3.30pm and got to COEX Mall at around 4.30pm. Lydia met me and took me into the exhibition. While she returned to promoting a Malaysian University called Sunway University, I toured the mall and found the Singapore Education booth!! WOW!! I had to take a picture with it!!

Walking through, I spotted several educational institutions I recognised, like Anglo Chinese International School, and The National University of Singapore. It was also real great to hear the Singapore accent once again. I haven't met any Singaporean yet so hearing someone speak in the Singapore accent was definitely welcoming to the ears. A little homesick in fact.
After seeing every booth, Lydia and I headed down to the shopping mall down below. She showed me around for a while before returning to work, while I stayed on and shopped around. Sarah had rang to say we could meet up for dinner, but she also said she had a couple of things to do so she'd ring me when she's done. Lydia said I could have dinner with her as well since she didn't have any plans, so I was kinda torn between the 2. On one hand, I did want to hang out with this new friend from Australia, but on the other hand, here I was in Kang Nam, a good 45 minutes away from where I'd probably meet Sarah so staying on with Lydia seemed much more convenient.
When their exhibition ended at 6pm, I met Lydia and 2 Malaysians and we went shopping. Sarah rang while we were shopping. It was just past 6.30pm. She invited me to join her and some friends for dinner. It was a farewell party for a friend. I thought I'd feel out of place, plus, it would take me about 45 minutes to get down and I didn't feel polite to dump Lydia like that, so I made a decision. I apologised to Sarah and told her perhaps we'd hang out another time, perhaps after lessons one day (#2 Right Decision).
As we continued shopping, I found a rather cool looking, unique top for only 8000 won so I tried it on and bought it. Initially, I didn't want to try it on and just wanted to buy it, but then Lydia said no returns, so a few minutes was spent as I tried it on before buying it (#3 Right Decision). Timing is very important as I lead you up to the climax event of the night.
We ended up having dinner together before splitting. The 2 Malaysians grabbed a cab back to their hotel, while Lydia and I decided to take the subway to Kang Nam and tour another busy city of Seoul (#4 Right Decision). Seoul has many cities and Kang Nam is one of the busiest business district and most well-organised city in Seoul. I actually liked Kang Nam. The many high-rise business buildings reminded me a lot of Singapore - I was definitely home sick. However, it was too dark to take a good picture. We found ourselves walking down one of the busy teenage hang out streets of Kang Nam, where there were road side food stalls, plus some accessories and all.

We also walked the back streets where there were many good pubs and restaurants. Lydia was my tour guide for the night. After touring Kang Nam, we decided to head back towards home. There were 3 ways of heading back. We could grab a bus from Kang Nam, stop at Yonsei University and make our way home from there. Or, we could bus to Sincheon and meet Michael or Alex for more night activities, or change to bus number 7 and head home. The third way was to change a bus at Chong No, and head towards Hung Dae and decide what to do from there. As Alex was studying and Michael didn't want to join us, and I wanted to find out where abouts in Hung Dae was there a NZ Natural, we hopped off the bus at Chong No and caught a connecting bus back to Hung Dae (#5 Right Decision).
We walked around Hung Dae for a while...and I told Lydia about a shop that sells all their clothes at 5900 Won. I usually walk home from Hung Dae station, therefore, I knew Hung Dae pretty well. We walked for a while, looking for the shop. We walked past several shops that weren't 'it' and I was about to give up when I spotted it and Lydia and I decided to check it out (#6 Right Decision). This lead on to me buying another top. It was cheap and a great deal (#7 Right Decision).
As we walked on, we spotted a club with a big group of people outside surrounding one person asking for his autograph. Being curious, Lydia asked a bouncer who that person was and why were there so many people asking for his autograph. The bouncer said that he was a singer. Lydia asked if he was famous and the bouncer honestly replied not really. HAHAHA. Without considering any further, we turned and continued on our way.
After that, we walked back towards home. Along the way, I wanted to show Lydia this restaurant that was always packed. I was curious as to what food theysold there since they are always swarming with people, so Lydia told me to lead the way. I actually took a turn too late, but the road would take us home too. We could have just continued and forget about the restaurant, but Lydia and I decided to make a U-turn and back track to the street before to find the restaurant (#8 Right Decision). According to Lydia, the food at that restaurant is ok, but it's just that it was at the right location and the price is alright as well. Plus, it's a popular place for people to drink and chill. Now I know.
After checking out that restaurant, Lydia also took me to check out several other cool pubs along the way. The ambience in those pubs are very welcoming, I love. However, we didn't end up staying on in the nice pub Lydia showed me since it was pretty full of people (#9 Right Decision). Instead, as we walked down the road, we spotted an ice cream shop that Lydia usually stops by. Being greedy, we both decided that we could have some nice sorbets (healthy ice creams) and went into the shop (#10 Right Decision). We ended up talking and talking. I showed Lydia the book I bought yesterday as well and we had a good time flipping through it as she translated some korean phrases for me (#11 Right Decision - Friday's decision to buy the book also affected today's decision).
We also talked about a lot of other things and that made it all that more amazing coz the timing was just perfect!! We were talking about what clubs I could join while I was in Seoul and I spotted a man carrying a massive camera so I said perhaps a film club would be beneficial when I want to enter into the television advertising business. Finally, we decided it was time to head home so we stepped out of the ice cream parlour (#12 Right Decision).
Because of all the RIGHT decisions I've made throughout my day, OUR TIMING WAS PERFECT!! A group of people started assembling around the ice cream shop and there seemed to be something going on. I saw loads of filming props and sitting on typical foldable chairs outside the ice cream parlour were 2 rather old looking man in director hats. They way they owned the chairs also made them look very much like directors. Lydia joked that one man looked like a homeless bum, but I realised that most directors look like that!! Based on my observation, I made a casual comment to Lydia saying that they must be filming something here. Casually without really making any decisions, I suggested that maybe we could stay on and find out what was happening, but it was already past 11pm. Then, just a conversation topic, I joked with Lydia that it could be that they were filming Spring Waltz here since a lot of Spring Waltz was filmed in Hung Dae. So far, I've been watching the show with my host sister and host mum and we realised that some scenes were filmed at Hung Dae - it's very near our place.
Then I spotted it, printed on the back of a green parker that several people were wearing, just above the brand of the parker 'Bean Pole' was the name of the film they were filming: SPRING WALTZ!!! I almost let out a shriek!! I couldn't believe it!! It was confirmed that those old homeless looking guys in 'golf' hats were directors.
Frantically, we looked around. Lydia said they were probably going to take a while to set up. I kidd that perhaps in one of those black vans there were actors. Jokingly, I said, "For all you know, Daniel Henney is in that van!!" Daniel Henney is one of the main actors in the latest Korean Drama Spring Waltz and the most handsome Korean guy I've ever seen. Perhaps its also coz he's mixed blood, but he's so so so HANDSOME!!! He's also acted in one other Korean drama called Sam Soon, but he had a rather small part in that show. In this Spring Waltz, he's got a rather large part since he's the other guy who's in love with the main lead actress.
And then, as if I was the luckiest girl alive, Daniel Henney got out of the van across the street and walked across to where we were standing. I was in shock!!! I didn't know how to react. I frantically reached into my handbag and when you are in a state of shock, your camera seems to have lost its way in your handbag and you can't find it. Lydia was reprimanding me for not taking it out sooner!! FINALLY, I managed to get it out and I wanted to take pics of Daniel Henney. More than that, I wanted to take pictures WITH Daniel Henney!!! He was right there, within meters of me!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then an opportunity rose. He was right beside me, standing amoung the other filming crew - his 'body guards' I presume. Beaming with joy and at the spur of the moment, I turned to him and asked (in English of course since he grew up in America and speaks fluent English, but sadly his Korean is in bits and pieces like mine), "Hi, can I take a photo with you?"
Daniel Henney spoke to me!! DANIEL HENNEY SPOKE TO ME!!! He said, "Sure, but later after the shoot."
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!! I didn't know how to react. I thanked him but we were 'shoo-ed' across the road as the filming was beginning. I couldn't believe my luck!! I had stood beside Daniel Henney and I even had a conversation with him - a short one, but it was nevertheless a conversation since a reply was received. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am I the most lucky girl or what?!!
We watched on as they filmed the scenes. It was an amazing experience. I had told my host parents earlier in the day that I'd be back by 11pm but it was already way past 11pm. Lydia told me not to worry since I had a great excuse for being out!!
Before the filming begun, I took quite a few far shots of Daniel Henney. It was a pity the lighting was poor and he was a few meters away, but nevertheless, I got photos of him!! Gorgeous pics of the gorgeous him!!

Then, filming started and the crew became very strict about the cameras, blocking it and telling everyone who held a camera not to take photos. I sneakily turned the flash off and filmed a few shot snippets!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It was so awesome!!!!!! I couldn't believe my luck in Korea. I LOVE IT HERE!!!!
We stayed for the entire shoot and after the shoot, I surprisingly found myself right beside him once again. Lydia and I were in perfect spots!! Luck was on our side. They were all moving to the next location. Daniel Henney was right beside me. I chickened out for a while, reasoning that I managed to get snippets of him which was good enough, but I knew I should never let this opportunity pass. I picked up my courage and spoke to him again.
"Can I have a picture with you?"
"Sure" Daniel Henney replied. SURE!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! Daniel Henney positioned himself right beside me, putting his arm around shoulders. AHHHHH!!!!!! DANIEL HENNEY IS
RIGHT BESIDE ME!!!!! How can I possibly get to sleep tonight??!!! Lydia was just about to take the picture when a crew member blocked the camera, taking it from Lydia's hands. He offered to take the pic for both of us so Lydia hurriedly rushed over to Daniel Henney's other side and...
And after, we even had another conversation. I thanked him for the picture and he asked where I came from. Thinking it was the accent he must have picked up, I replied, "New Zealand". Then I wished him all the best with his filming and left with Lydia, both of us grinning like 2 retarded girls, giggling to ourselves as we looked at the pic over and over and over again.