We finally got internet - of course at a price though, but a mermaid can't live without water. Here's the insanely long update of my past few days.
Scroll down for pics as well!! I've updated the last 3 blog posts with pics of my UK travels so go see!!
6.44pm @ Wales YHA, 10th Jan 2006 Today's an important day for me to remember. It's my first time staying in a YHA (aka Youth Hostel) and hopefully my last. I don't mean to sound like a princess (to those who know me, don't nod and grin as if you're tsking me) but I'm really not used to this. I feel weird in a YHA. The thought of sleeping in a bed that hasn't been washed...of course they gave us a clean sheet sleeping bag to put over the used mattress and pillows (makes me wonder how often they wash them), but it's just the thought of it not being washed and pressed just for me - I'm not use to it. I also feel kind of claustrophobic in a room shared by 6 people. It's just very - what's the word - un-private. But I do have to commend the toilet. It's so sanitised that it smells like the hospital. And because we were given the room meant for the disabled, the toilets actually look like a hospital toilet, with railings and all - quite intimidating to a certain extent if you know what I mean.
Ok, enough of this, some people don't even have a roof over their heads. I should be grateful. But I can't help comparing, coz just the other night, we stayed in this bed and breakfast hotel, we had 2 rooms with clean sheets, towels and showers in each room and the total cost for that one night was only a couple pounds more expensive than tonight's accommodation.
Moving on.
Yesterday, we left Bournemouth for Lands' End. That was an insanely long drive and I was most unhealthy. I had a massive english breakfast, got into the car and slept till our lunch stop, ate again till we were full and bloated, got back into the car and continued sleeping till we got to Lands' End. Lands' End is the southern most tip of UK, the sight was gorgeous. It was cute though, while driving in, we saw many places which used the 'First and Last of England' as marketing, for example the 'First and Last Inn in England', 'First and Last Garage', 'First and Last Hotel', 'First and Last Postbox' and of course, the most famous 'First and Last House of England'. We had a ball taking photos.

11pm @ YHA, 10th Jan 2006
Just finished watching another 3 vcd episodes of 'My Lovely Sam Soon', but I'll tell you about that later. Back to my travel journal.
After Lands' End, we headed towards Penzance for the night.
This morning, we made another detour to Lands' End coz Laura didn't manage to purchase her souvenir last evening so made a special trip this morning to Lands' End again before heading towards Wales on another very unhealthy car journey which comprised of sleeping and eating. My right eye was playing up again - hurting like crazy (sometimes I wonder if it's a warning sign telling me that I might be going blind soon) - so the only thing that made the pain go away was closing my eyes, which meant falling alseep. I mean, there's so much I could do with my eyes closed. I could dream, talk to God, and imagine more things, but that all led to sleep eventually, so you see, it was rather unhealthy.
We finally got to Wales, got a little lost for a while but eventually found the YHA. We had yummy but expensive Japanese food for dinner. Things here are so expensive. Converting the pounds back to Singapore currency is quite bad for the heart coz things are never cheap. Their cost of living is so high, but I guess they are used to it coz they earn in pounds too, but for us tourists, it's a pricy destination to visit.
Actually, I'm a little home sick. There really isn't much to see in UK except for castles, cathedrals and more of that. Here's another bonus point for Paris. Though we stayed in Paris for 4 days 3 nights, everyday was filled with things to do. However, here in UK, take for example today, the only sights we saw were of cars, cars and more cars as we travelled from state to state, and perhaps the occassional castle or cathedral. It's quite boring and that's why I'm looking forward to home, where things are always happening. The day doesn't end at 4pm and shops don't close at 5pm back home. Perhaps London would be better. We'll just have to wait and see.
But at least we've got 'Kim Sam Soon' to keep us company. Our boring nights are spent watching this korean drama series Rachel introduced me to. It's a romantic comedy about this girl called Kim Sam Soon (of course) and it's not like the usual slow and sobbish korean dramas. Its paced well, with light-hearted comedy and sweet love. And the fact that the all the guys (so far) are GORGEOUS adds an extra 'OOMPH' to it. We are halfway through it but at the speed we are going, it's only going to last us another 3 nights!! Perhaps I'll rewatch it again, since I have all the time in the world.
Well, I shall end here. It's a pity I can't post this entry just yet coz I don't have any internet connection. I can't even tap into someone else' wireless connection coz there's none around, unlike 2 nights ago - naughty me. Till next time.
5.15pm @ Quality Hotel Chester, 11th Jan 2006 No internet connection once again. Oh well. I'm used to this. I liked the Paris hotel much much better for this point. They had free internet connection. So far, the hotels in UK are charging around 2.50 pounds per half an hour. It's honestly daylight robbery. Anyhow...I'll just blog till I have internet connection to post it all.
Today isn't a very pleasant day for me. Waking up and finding myself in a YHA bunk room was the least of my troubles.
I had a masive breakfast, followed by a massive lunch, which made me feel all bloated and disgusted, especially when all I can do is sit in the car and sleep. I need to start eating salads salads and more salads - but they are always so expensive!! Don't mess with a girl when she's feeling FAT!
And of course, I didn't like the bathroom in the YHA, so I skipped my morning shower and for the entire journey in the car, I was feeling very disgusted and moody coz my hair reflects my mood. If my hair's horrid, I feel horrid. And I was irritated and worried because it's impossible to maintain my curls in tip top condition when I'm on a holiday, so the lingering thought of all that money spent on the digital perming washing down the drain was killing me.
And I felt claustrophobic. I guess I've got a boiling point. There's so much I could talk about to all the luggages beside me. Eventually (which happened to be today), our topics ran dry and I was sick of the company of the luggages. I reached my boiling point and I needed out! So mum swaped seats with me.
And of course, with all these irritation, I get stressed and I feel zits poking out and across my entire face - not pleasant at all, which leads to more stress which leads to more zits...yes, it's a vicious cycle.
The first thing I did when we got to our hotel room was a good shower and I pampered my hair with products so hopefully it'll be all right. I'm feeling heaps better now - my hair feels clean and at least resembling some sort of bounce. The curls have drastically lost it's zest but at least it's looking natural. We'll just have to check in on my mood tomorrow.
Anyway, today, we left Wales for Chester, stopping by at Caerphilly Castell (aka castle) for a quick tour. I guess all the castles are looking the same to me now...but I'm reserving all judgement till I see Buckingham Palace. Ahhhh, I can't wait for London.

Oooh...I'm hungry, my tummy's throwing a mood as well. SALADS!!!!
8.30am @ Quality Hotel, 12th Jan 2006
Here's something that intrigued me. It's found in the bathroom of our hotel room. It says...
Everyday all over the world huge quantities of detergent are used unnecessarily.
In an effort to protect the environment in which we live, we would like to reduce the daily consumption of detergent.
If you would like us to change your towels, please leave them in the bath. Otherwise please hand them on the rail provided."
Some would be impressed, I reckon it's plain laziness. Haha.
11.30pm @ The Angle Inn Windermere, 12th Jan 2006 Today was a rather eventful day. We checked out of our hotel in the morning and headed in to Chester for a tour around the town. We visited a rather grand cathedral - I liked this cathedral, and took a walk around the town. I bought myself a new pair of earrings from the Chester Market as well.

Then we went on our way, heading towards Man United!! I'm not a big fan of Man U, but nevertheless, it was a moment to cherish, breathing in the glory and pride of all soccer fans. We also patronised the merchandise store. Grandpa is so cute!! He used to be a major fan of Man U and he bought the most things: 2 mini soccer balls, one windbreaker, and a pink towel - perhaps for grandma?? Haha.
After Man U, we made our way to Blackpool, with hopes that I could ride the crazy rollercoaster. But it's winter and most tourist attractions are closed in winter for maintanence. Just bad luck. So we continued on to Windermere where we are spending the night in this rather cosy inn.

The inn is gorgeous. I think it's run by a young adult couple. The place is called The Angel Inn, and the advertising on the broucher says "Be a devil, try The Angel." Quite a hip slogan ay?? That's why I reckon it's run by a young couple (don't think an elderly couple would want their customers to be devils), aside from the fact that they were the ones behind the front desk when we checked in. There is a cosy living area just as you enter the door, with a beautiful fireplace for warmth. Just around the front desk and to the back of the hotel is a nice chilling area with a pleasant bar and restaurant. It's got a welcoming atmosphere. The rooms are pretty as well - I just adore the curtains and sheets.
Yawn, talking about sheets is making me tired. Nights!!
P.S. One thing not so great - no wireless internet connection. Sigh. Till next time!
6pm @ The Normandy Hotel Glasgow, 13th Jan 2006
This morning after we checked out, we visited 'The World Of Beatrix Potter Attraction'. I loved it!! The figurines were so 'Kawaii'. It brought back some childhood memories. I was given a set of 4 Beatrix Potter books as a birthday prezzie and I really treasured them. I loved them so much, it's still with me and kept in tip top condition.

Then we headed towards Glasgow, stopping over at some wall - oopz, forgot the name. Apparently it separates some country from some country or some war thingy. Oh well. Here's history for you.
We're now in our hotel room and we've ordered room service for dinner - too lazy to drive out for food. After dinner, we'll continue our korean drama series. Yesterday, we watched another 3 episodes. Tonight, we'll finish the last 3! I can't wait to watch the ending. I'm dying to find out who she'll ended up with.
1am @ The Normandy, 14th Jan 2006
Just an hour ago, I was all psyched up about this hotel and it's FREE wireless internet connection. And now, I'm in a very bad mood. I don't know if it's my computer (BETTER NOT BE!!) or their wireless connection, but there seems to be some problem. I am able to pick up a strong wireless signal strength, but it seems like there's limited or no connectivity. And when I try to repair it, it says something about being unable ti renew my IP address or something like that.
Sometimes, I wish I was a computer wizz so I know how to fix things when stuff occurs. It sucks sucks sucks. I have even prepared photos to be uploaded so everyone can enjoy my journeys through UK, but I guess not. I don't know when I'll find another hotel that has free internet connection. Moreover, I fear my computer could have been attacked. Maybe it's paranoia, but the last time when I posted my blog entry, I was actually tapping into someone else's private network...perhaps he's an expert hacker and managed to tap into my computer and mess things up and that's why I can't connect now...what are the odds? I ask myself this, but the truth is, you never know.
Maybe I should just give up on blogging. Who's going to read all this junk I've posted above anyway. Don't think my life's any interesting to command an audience. Plus, I don't think anyone would have the time to read it all so I might as well stop all my crapping here.
7.55pm @ Ellersly House Hotel Edinburgh, 15th Jan 2006 I have 5 minutes to blog about yesterday and today coz my tv show is starting soon, so I'll make this quick and easy on your eyes - afterall, you've read so far.
Yesterday morning, we visited the Falkirk Wheel - this massive rotating boat lift that lifts a boat from one river and transfers it to another. We were even prepared to experience it as tours were provided, but unfortunately, our luck ran out. It is closed from 9th to 19th Jan for winter maintanence. We were very disappointed. Laura and I were looking forward to it badly. we sulked all the way back. That's why I like shopping so much more. It's more reliable. It doesn't close in winter and THERE'S EVEN WINTER SALES!!

Saved by the bell - or show. I shall stop here and run off to watch 'Invasion' that's showing on TV now. Spare your ears from my complains.
9.40pm @ Hotel Room, 15th Jan 2006
After that major disappointment, we left for Edinburgh, with our first stop as the Edinburgh castle. Another castle - but I was impressed. It was a nice castle overall but I was glad to finally check in to our hotel. I needed a break from all that travelling so we stayed indoors, ordering chinese takeaways.

This morning after breakfast - I'm getting real sick of english breakfast. I can recite to you what's served in an english breakfast, it's always the same thing over and over:
3 choices of cereal - rice puffs, cornflakes or muesli
3 choices of juice - orange, apple or grapefruit (and the occassional grapefruit)
Tea or coffee
Croissant or toast (white or brown) and a selection of jams
Canned fruits
Scrambled or fried eggs
Baked tomatoes
Baked beans
Black pudding (occassionally - I'm glad coz it's quite disgusting)
After eating it for consecutive days, I'm getting real sick of it!!
Sorry for the sideswipe. After breakfast, we drove around in search of a church to attend. We ended up at St Giles Cathedral. It was a rather grand cathedral with an impressive choir, but with these grand and massive ancient-looking cathedral comes terrible sound-proofing. The sounds echos throughout the entire building, making it quite hard to listen to anything the preacher says. But nevertheless, it felt good attending worship.
Then we went on a Scotch Whisky tour which included some tasting and an educational tour of it's history. I don't think I like whisky all that much and I found the tour rather dull. If you ask me questions now, I probably wouldn't be able to answer you about it - the info just went WHOOSH past my already full memory.

After the tour and lunch, we went on a long drive to see the famous St Andrews Golf Club - apparently, that's the birthplace of golf. Nothing special there. But it pleased the men - namely Dad and Grandpa - as they finally had their fair share of excitement, taking photos in front of the clubhouse and SHOPPING at the golf shop. Yes, they got their fair share of pleasure.
And now, we are back at our hotel room after dinner and all. It's quite boring coz we finished watching our Korean drama 2 nights ago. I love the show!! Everyone, go watch 'My Lovely Samsoon' (aka 'My Name is Kim Sam Soon')!!
I am too tired to blog about it right now though...shan't kill the story for you so I'll leave it at this and hit the sack. Nights at 10pm!!
9.30pm @ The Gateway To York Hotel, 16th Jan 2006
I love today!!! We left Edinburgh for York, stopping by at Edinburgh Crystal before proceeding on to our next stop - the highlight of my day. We visited St James Park in New Castle, home ground of my favourite soccer team New Castle United!!! I had a fantastic time touring the official store and returned 2 tops richer!! One of them was the home jersey - woman's style!!! It fitted perfectly - LOVE! And I got to take a picture with Shay Given as well - only the best goal keeper in the world - or should I say MY world!! I'm the luckiest kid (Kid? Grow up Raine!) alive!!

We arrived at our hotel for the night at 5.30pm this evening. Travelling in the evening during winters is totally warped - it gets darker at an exponential rate. At 3.30pm, it feels like 7pm in the evening with the sun is just setting. When 4pm comes, it's like 8pm at night - grey and getting late. By 4.30pm, it feels like 9 or 10pm. At 5pm, it's pitched black, so much so that you'd think it's way past your bedtime - i.e. midnight!! So travelling at 5.30pm in a foreign town? Let's just say we're lucky we found the place on our first go!!
7.40pm @ Campanile Hotel Coventry, 18th Jan 2006 Today's schedule was much of travelling - from York to Coventry. However, we made several purposeful stops, one being Sherwood Forest (birth of the legendary Robin Hood) and the next was in Nottingham to meet Jo. It was a short but nice catch up session over lunch.

And that's about it. Haha...short and sweet - now that's a first!!